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Sambil Nunggu Teman

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

VoodooV says...

yeah the problem with those don't talk to the cop videos is that they rely on a ton on anecdotal evidence and many of the situations he presents presume the person is guilty from the get go. It's told from a lawyer's perspective and is extremely cynical. Sure if you want to reduce everything to raw statistics and are concerned ONLY with covering your own ass, sure, don't talk to the cops then.

but if you actually believe in being a productive, helpful member of society, that can think beyond your own personal wants and desires, then answering a simple "have you been drinking tonight" question isn't going to hurt. Yes, for those that haven't figured it out, I'm calling anyone who agrees with the guy in this video selfish.

TLDR, there is a time and place to exercise your rights, while he was well within is rights, it doesn't exempt him from criticism of being a total and complete self-serving grade A douchebag.

just because you have a right to do/not do something, doesn't mean you automatically conform to that. kinda makes you a mindless slave at that point if you're doing something simply because it's within your rights.

There are a lot of things I *can* do, but I choose not to do them.

Riverside Cop Tricks Autistic Teen into Buying Pot

MilkmanDan says...

Others mentioned the term, but how is this not textbook entrapment?:

"In criminal law, entrapment is conduct by a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an offense that the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit.[1] In many jurisdictions, entrapment is a possible defense against criminal liability."

OK, the kid had the charges dropped after a court appearance probably based largely on that defense, but it is disgusting that it ever got that far.

And how did the school not only go along with it at first, but they continue to?! Any principal or superintendent for a school district should see that for what it is -- complete bullshit. Then again, I guess that "no child left behind" and the almighty tax dollars being linked to test scores has already removed common sense and human decency from the list of prerequisites among such school administration figures. Sell-outs in pocketbook and soul.

Mirror Mirror - Simon's Cat

yellowc says...

I don't know if my cat is super intelligent, little else suggests it

She never had a problem with mirrors and seems to understand the concept at some level. The first time, she patted it twice and seemed to have figured it out, it never phased her after that and I can't even fool her with hanging a rope in the reflection, she just turns around and gets the real rope.

Perhaps that's just the sounds the rope is making my crappy ears can't pick up but yeah, mirrors ain't no thing. I also can't fool her with things on the iPad or TV, she seems immune to flat projections of things.

What your phone’s buttons layout could have looked like

AeroMechanical says...

It actually kind of annoys me that phones are different than numeric keypads. I have no real preference for one over the other, but it means in both cases if I make the mistake of thinking about where the numbers are rather than just hitting the right ones, it takes me a few moments to figure it out.

How to Coil Cables

carnivorous says...

I thought I presented my argument rather well. It was certainly not meant as an ad hominem attack. I'm far too mature for such silliness. When a perfect example of which I'm referring to plops itself conveniently into the conversation, why would I not use it to validate my argument? I also think you're missing the point of it all. What bugs the fuck out of me is the laziness, it's the time spent behind the computer on social networks, video sites and game sites, thinking that life can best be experienced by reading rather than doing. It is stunting social growth, and giving individuals an exaggerated sense of self importance. "Getting your hands dirty" teaches humility and how to figure things out independently. I'm tired of seeing so many young people sitting around at home playing on the internet all day while collecting money from the government, just waiting for a job that's worthy enough to fall into their laps because they think they're too good for manual labor or that job at McDonald's.

Procrastinatron said:

I'm lacking in respect, huh? Fuck you, pal. I disagreed with you, and I did so pretty vehemently because I feel very strongly that you are wrong. Do you somehow think that you are entitled to judge everybody else by your impossible standards while staying safe from reproach and disagreement up in your ivory tower? And I'm the one with the ego, sure.

Now, look. I have two friends who are way into blacksmithing (and I'm actually going to try this out a bit when it becomes feasible for me to have a forge and anvil (I don't think my current neighbours would like it if I suddenly started pounding metal in my back yard)) and many others who have spent years working in construction. One of them even broke his back doing it. They have their primary skills and I've got mine, and while there is a slight overlap (since we all love to learn new things and tend to do so from each other), we all have to recognize that we are different people who are good at different things.

Because the really fucking simple truth is that life isn't perfect, and neither are human beings. We also have a finite amount of time and a finite amount of energy, and unless you are some sort of crazy person who doesn't have any limits and will work yourself until you keel over, you're going to have a few things you do well and a few things you do less well. Deal with it. What is happening here is that you've got some jacked up übermensch fantasy you can't possibly live up to, so you judge others instead of just taking your expectations down to a more realistic level.

Oh, and by the way - I love how your response was essentially just one big throbbing ad hominem. Don't have anything meaningful to say? Don't worry; you can always call the other guy an arrogant jerk! That'll show him! Nice job there, buddy. You really got me good.

Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Wow, it feels different around here. Yes, I got you the charter membership so you could pretty the place up and you succeeded in doing so!!!! It looks awesome...I really love the colors you chose...AND I'm so glad you finally have an avatar was time to stop procrastinating and post one already. It suits you.

Glad your headache is gone. I only get them when I spend long periods of time staring at a computer screen or when I'm dehydrated. It wouldn't surprise me if staring at a computer screen is what gave you that headache since it seemed like you were on here all day.

I don't mind so much when the power goes out (as long as it doesn't last too long)'s fun to have to use candles and find something to do that doesn't require electricity for a change. At least you have an iphone and a connection to the internet. You're not totally cut off!

Ok, I have to ask....I'm assuming FSM is internet slang for something, but I have no idea what...and I even googled it to try to figure it out....I got "flying spaghetti monster", "female seeking male", among other things. What does it mean?

Procrastinatron said:

Yeah, the headache passed all right. Thank Jebus for that, because it was one of the worst I've ever had!

Another bit of bad luck, however, is that I currently don't have any electricity, so I'm stuck with my iPhone and feeling both dejected and hamstrung.

But this, too, shall pass.

And about the Cannabis vid, I honestly sort of expected it.

I mean, most people don't exactly come to VS for entire documentaries.

Oh, and... I just received charter membership. Was that you?

If so...


Seeking Justice for a Stolen Amazon Package

vaire2ube says...

he starts to cry reading his own poster....

have your shit delivered to your work. get a po box. who thinks its a good idea to leave VALUABLES UNSECURED?

military figured that out long ago. fuk em both really.

Rhubarb Hubbub

TheFreak says...

Don't know if the laws are consistent everywhere but, last year the sunflowers I planted between my fence and the sidewalk developed a progressively growing bald patch. Couldn't figure it out until we saw an old man walking away with his pockets full of sunflowers. My wife talked to him one day when she caught him doing pulling more and he insisted they were on public property because they were outside the fence. Ended up talking to some cops about it, when they were responding to something else on our block and they assured us that it is, in fact, stealing. We had no interest in pushing the matter because, honestly, nice to know they were brightening up someone's home. Although, that bare patch kept getting bigger and uglier all summer. lol

Just wanted to throw that out there for context.

Don't park like a jerk

RFlagg says...

I don't get why it took the guy 5 minutes to decide to crawl over to the driver's side of the car... I could see the complication if the passenger side was blocked as well. It was obvious that he wasn't going to fit in the driver's side even before he tried it, not sure why he even bothered with that, but then to spend 5 more minutes trying to figure things out... I mean he doesn't look so big as to make crawling over impossible or even difficult, just inconvenient, so why the long delay to finally do it?

Also I wonder if he even learned the lesson? Did he learn that his rich boys car isn't special and that taking up two premium parking spaces to protect his car isn't the nice thing to do? I'm not too bothered when some rich idiot takes up two spots with their nice car in the back of a parking lot far from where everyone else parks, though really, parking away from everyone else should be plenty, but when they do it in premium spots like here, that's when it becomes an issue. Add to it the guy is to much of an idiot to just crawl over right away...

Man Stabbed With a Sword - Extraordinary footage

Bitchy Resting Face

Democracy Now! - "A Massive Surveillance State" Exposed

Fletch says...

Are you having hot flashes, as well? Cravings for pickles and ice cream? Feel like crying sometimes for no reason at all, or hearing voices in your Wheaties?

Just trying to figure you out. Lots of good and bad info flying around, accordingly spun by the provider's worldview. There exists a fundamental truth here, however, and although it's possible to miss it amongst the din of spin, your position seems to be as ephemeral as your cut&paste cache. The enemy of your enemy doesn't have to be your friend. This isn't just another bogus scandal. I wouldn't even classify it as a scandal. It's much bigger than that. Dystopian future, today. Pick a fucking side already.

dystopianfuturetoday said:

Sorry Mr. Fisk, I can't upvote this. This scandal is starting to feel just as bogus as the rest of them.

Caterpillar Speed Trick

Truck Driver Rescues Kitten

Fletch says...

Ok, did that kitten just appear out of thin air? I watched frame by frame and couldn't figure it out. Did someone toss it out of a car?

I took my car in for alignment years ago, and the mechanic who was working on it came into the customer lounge holding a kitten. He said he heard it meowing and found it in a front wheel well of my car. It wasn't mine. He had already called his wife to see if it was ok to bring it home if I didn't claim it (no pets allowed where I was living at the time). I was glad it found a home, but I was terrified driving back, wondering how many kittens had fallen out on the way to the shop. Luckily, I didn't see any kittens, squished or otherwise, so I hoped it was the only one. I still have no idea where it came from or how it got into my wheel well.

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