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Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

VoodooV says...

your comment history says otherwise. I love it that you seem to think we can't see your comment history and we don't know what you've said in the past.

nice attempt at another dodge, like how you don't quote my posts because you hope I won't see them. You're so smart figure it out for yourself.

Thought you didn't have conversations with non-adults? say one thing, do another I take it.

If only there was a way out of this.

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

Yogi says...

I see it differently I'm glad the BLM decided to back off and figure this situation out. If this guy and his followers aren't going to be sensible someone should if only to protect human lives. It's something that always bothered me about how Cops operate, there's no reason to go crazy because someone broke a minor law and risk lives. You back off and you figure it out, you don't need to shoot up a street corner and risk the lives of many people to put one away.

It also blows a hole in the side of the argument that the Tyrannical State will stop at nothing to destroy so called Patriots who are fighting for justice. They obviously didn't, they acted rationally in my view. I'm certain this isn't over they're looking at other options and perhaps waiting till they can create a dialog or something. This won't just be set aside forever and they know that.

Mount St. Helens: Evidence for a young creation

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

Yogi says...

I guess you assume that I'm stupid or something? I don't think I am, I can figure things out and read and a pretty high grade level. Never had any problems in school, just didn't really care to go.

You can assume what you want about me that's fine, I'm not assuming too much about SM because SM doesn't give much at all. If he would explain or cite SOMETHING in his videos I would be able to pin something down and debate it. There's nothing to debate here, it's gossip and bullshit at best.

chingalera said:

Oh and Yogi, I'd hasten to guess if you ever had a chance to converse with SM whom you've so smugly dismissed and relegated to some corner of your mind behind a door you've never opened, that yer nutsack would shrivel as much and as fast conversely, as the Grinch who stole xmas' heart grew that day when he looked-down on Whoville...

Now you smell it ...

Patton Oswalt is True Detective’s Rust Cohle

eric3579 says...

Just figured it out. My vpn was going through Canada. So Canadians were blocked from seeing it. Anyway that had me quite confused. All is right with the world again.

Trancecoach said:

the Comedy Central embed still works for me, but I changed it to yt for those without such privileges.

The Tube of Mystery

Kid Gets A Gag Gift...And Loves It

BicycleRepairMan says...

Domesticated/altered plants spread back into the wild all the time, and chimps have been here as long as we have, IOW, they have learned to recognize and eat bananas by quite literally reaping our fruits, so to speak. And even if you find a chimp/great ape or even a monkey that has never seen a banana, my bet is that its going to figure it out pretty quickly, they are curios and fast learners

dannym3141 said:

I want to know this: do our normal yellow bananas grow wild through some sort of propagation from our selectively bred bananas? If not, how do animals (like captive apes) know what bananas are/how to eat them when we give them our yellow bananas, assuming they've come from a non-yellow banana area?

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Actual Version

Most Shocking Second a Day Video

JAPR says...

First off, I want to say @artician, thanks for such an insightful comment, and enoch as well. I've not been participating in this community much for the past few years because of being busy with figuring myself out and trying to figure out how I feel about the mess we're in. Interesting conversations like this were what drew me to the sift initially.

Ultimately, I've come to a similar conclusion as you. While, as JustSaying noted, we do tend to be tribal creatures, the nature of the interaction between ingroups and outgroups is a learned one (for the most part) just like violence as an acceptable outlet is a learned habit (for the most part; children who are abused and grow up surrounded by violence are more likely to perpetuate abuse, etc). Because people naturally learn to be more tolerant and empathetic as they grow to understand each other and see how much their similarities outweigh their differences, this tribal nature shifts in more interconnected societies to things like political parties, sports fanships, cliques, etc. as the increased understanding/empathy between us decrease the potential for dehumanization of the "other" and violence.

We are living in more peaceful times than ever before in most ways. We are learning to be more accepting of religion, sexuality, and other differences more than ever before in terms of the global average. We have a system that promotes dehumanization and exploitation, selfishness and secrecy rather than compassion and empathy, sharing and oppenness, but such a system need not always be. There are no easy answers, and none of us can do anything alone to change things, but the majority of us are tired of the wars and killing, throwing away the lives of our youth instead of seeing what new art and science and wonder they could bring to our world. Those who lust after power enough to exercise it over their fellow men the way it has been are the few and very sick who need some help and removal from temptation, like a "recovering" alcoholic at a Christmas party.

JustSaying said:

Humans have always been cruel to each other and they always will be. Religion, nationality, these are all just excuses. We are herd animals, tribal in nature and this will never change. It is just natural for us to look at how we can seperate us and the ones we love from everybody else. The easiest way ist to look for looks, that's why we have racism. It's something we can see. Next are things like how we sound( language, nationality), how we act (mentality) and how we think (political and religious views).
We are simply more focused on recognizing what seperates us from each other than appreciating what connects us. That is what comes natural to us.
Empathy is the exception, the bonding agent between the chasms of social divide. Sometimes it comes to us naturally but the horrible truth is that we're more likely to hack each other to pieces with machetes than to reach out for each other.
We are flawed creatures looking for reasons to hate each other because that's the easy thing to do. It's in our nature. That's who we are, finding an "us" to pit against a "them"

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Thanks Lilithia-I suspect that because of my recent foray with another user here suffering from chronic corn-cob syndrome, that the admins have hobbled me and this so with a predictable incivility, and have left me to figure it out on my own-I have NOT in my quest to clean the dead viddoe embeds up here,violated any rules of decorum relative to the hard-earned ability of raising the dead however, and would like to know why I am being treated like a second-class citizen of the site, if in fact, my suspicions are true....

If in fact this is the case, again: The mob rule mentality of relatively cattle-like predictability-rears again and again, an over-sized head...

If this is not in fact the case, apologies, I have no way of knowing yet as I have not had my question answered by an admin yet...

Questions for Statists

VoodooV says...

right. and what tries to stop corporations...or anything for that matter from encroaching on our civil liberties too much? Gov't.

What stops gov't from doing the same? People. People have a pretty good track record of stopping gov't that goes too far armed or not. Are people generally slow to react? sure...but they do eventually react to injustices. If gov't really did not rule by the consent of the governed, there would be heaps more unrest, There would be actual revolts happening on a semi frequent basis instead of just people threatening to revolt/secede for the sake of drama.

The problem is, we have a non-insignificant number of people who seem to honestly think corps should run everything, or at the very least, there should be little to no regulation. Like I said, right now, it's chaotic because we have far too many people who all want different things. Over time, we're going to see what works and what doesn't and things will generally settle down. bad ideas do eventually get thrown out and good ideas get implemented instead. Part of the problem is that we are in the middle of big technological changes that radically change how we live compared to even just 100 years ago. Again...chaos ensues when new things come up and it just takes time for people to figure it out, adapt, and accept change.

Honestly though, no one has yet to successfully explain how society without gov't...or amoral corporations works. who distinguishes between the amoral corps and the good ones? are there good corps in a non-statist view? if there are...then don't there have to be good gov'ts out there too? Or are we back to the viewpoint of all gov'ts are bad...but some corps are good...I don't see how you can objectively make that distinction. How do you prevent stuff from just devolving into "might makes right" no one seems to be able to answer that one. I think the human race as a whole has collectively decided that rule by force is not preferred. There are just too many people that would take advantage of and screw over other people. or are you honestly advocating a kill or be killed situation here? Again, I think people have decided as a whole that they don't want that.

There's just too much subjective viewpoints instead of objective ones.

I'm sorry, but you've got one heck of an uphill battle trying to convince people that gov't is inherently bad. Sure you've got a lot of loudmouths making a lot of noise about how they think gov't is corrupt, but that's a far cry from actually abandoning gov't. Lots of people bitch about gov't, but don't actually see a lot of people escaping it. We see it every election cycle "if so and so wins, I'm leaving the country" yet they never do.

regardless of what side of the aisle you sit on, for all the bluster and rhetoric most people would rather have gov't run by the party they don't like than have no gov't at all.

Enzoblue said:

More than human meaning more than the sum of (human) parts. And I didn't say corps are inherent to governments, I just used the fact that they're a product of a collection of humans - like governments - and serve their own interests that more than likely don't coincide with the interests of their (human) parts.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

GOP Rep: Republicans Act Like Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthals

chingalera says...

Well here's something to think about, since the uselessness of answering these questions which seem so important to yourself, these issues which would simply tend to correct themselves should dumb assess who light-upon them who can't seem to figure it out actually DO something with all their frustration.

There are other more pressing fundamental issues to consider when you think about how real "CHANGE" could come overnight if both fanatics dems and repubs could get their heads out of their own assess.

Most of these issues you are so passionate about and continually abuse the meaningless, "one-team-against-the-other" argument for, are simply diversions to keep you inebriated with (by design) while the rapists and abusers of culture, politics and special interests, military and police, and corporate oligarchies fuck you from behind without lube.

For instance: THIS video offering after 30 hours in the queue has garnered 6 votes. It speaks to one of the many fundamental ass-fucks being perpetrated on the American People and one insidious presidential cunt republican and one equally as sinister mountebank currently in office has created the framework for this egregious violation of rights and culture, but nobody seems to give a fuck.

INSTEAD, people that continually paste these kind of trite news-bobble sound bites of worthless information pitting one party against another seem to be absolutely clueless as to the mechanics of the insidious mechanism keeping them in a state of unconscious somnambulatry hypnotic drunkenness while the entire time, not utilizing the power they have to alter the course of the destiny of the planet-Instead that wasted energy is used to jack off at the mouth.

Simple fix for the so-called drug problem as it relates to criminal cartels (like the FBI, LIKE the CIA, like the "cabal who control government."???

Legalized marijuana, heroin, cocaine, while at the same time criminalizing the machine set-in-place to quote/unquote, "fight the war on drugs"..Fight the war on terrorism", etc. There is no goddamn war except the one for your mind,and from reading this horseshit on this particular post, it seems that more than a few people here have had their minds hi-jacked already.

It's up to you to wake-the-fuck-up. Republicans are no better or worse than democrats, because both are complicit in the hijacking of your lives, your livelihoods, and the work and sweat and blood of your lives as you toil incessantly to continue to promulgate their diseased programs of slavery of both your bodies and minds.

Any and all retort to similar diatribes of my own are predictably met with derision and defensiveness, and a SHITLOAD of passive-aggression in the form of convoluted and meaningless banter.

I fucking detest this charade of pitting conservatives against liberals, one "party" against another.

The only party that exists is the one behind closed doors as they laugh at people like yourselves.

VoodooV said:

@chingalera ahh the "both parties are equally bad" fallacy.

tell me? What's the Democrat equivalent of the denial of same sex marriage?
What's the Democrat equivalent of telling women they must keep their rape babies? What's the Democrat equivalent of trying establish a state religion even though we are a country of many (or no) religions. What's the Democrat equivalent of Republican's persistent denial of this pesky thing called science. What's the Democrat equivalent of the Republican body count due to starting unnecessary wars?

Don't get me wrong. Democrats fuck up all the time. They believed the 2004 election would be a slam dunk. They can often be naive and miscalculate political realities. I'm not convinced they won't fuck up the 2016 election somehow despite the Republicans' current problems. I really don't think Hillary should run. To quote Doctor Who: "Don't you think she looks tired?"

Both parties should be abolished to get away from this political nonsense, but to suggest these are somehow equal to Republican misdeeds is absolute lunacy unless you dare to back your claims up.

Hell, arguing the opposite of my claims is still more rational than this "OMG they're equal" nonsense. If you capable of making a value judgement, one party matches your values better than the other. It's impossible for them to be equal in that regard.

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

Not my concern, though it saddens me that your big brain begins to hurt when you hear some truth-You mistake a condescending tone or holier-than-thou attitude for my having brought you a glimpse of the non-linearity I am both caught in the center of in real-time, and see increasing exponentially for the entire world.

While it's fun to imagine some fantasy land where everyone recycles, wars are gone, Jews and gentiles and Muslims all joining hands and playing X-Box One, it's heading in another direction.

You don't really have to decipher my dialog, I'm of average intelligence, and I'm not calling people sheeple, just observing the obvious based on years of work on self-awareness and the nature of mankind. We're predictable. Just like I predicted when taking-on this style of diatribe and discourse, picking one of many video depicting police action in the world today. I did this with purpose, to draw-out those of you who haven't figured it out yet that radical change is afoot.

Predictable also, is that something so incredibly horrifying as police and government in every single aspect of a modern human's life, could sound so utterly fantastic to someone who apparently resorts to "destroying the messenger" because the message is so abhorrent and unthinkable.
Sheppard did it, jump fight in and make my case for me.

Deepok Chopra is easier for me to understand that people throwing their human rights in the toilet for an inability to process information staring them right in the face.

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