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Darwin Abroad--Man Knocks Self the F*** Out

Crushing Block Dealt to Two Defenders

Fighter gets knockedout: Then thinks the Ref is The Enemy!

Drunk On Beach? Then Time To Nearly Kill Your Friend

Sarah Palin's Awesome Sport of Aerial Wolf-Maiming

Icy Face Plant

Teen Fell From Bridge: Cops Tasered him 19 times

8369 says...

I had to watch this a few times just to make sure i heard this correctly.

By the time they arrived he was on the ground with a broken back and separated heal... and then they tased him around 19 times because he was incoherent (shock and concussion maybe) and muttering things like kill cops?

Wow. I’m speechless... I think it would have been better to say that they didn't have any defibrillators on them and were trying to save his life. As far as there being more to this story, I’m sure there is… but, I don’t see how it’s going to get any better. If a group of cops can’t handle a teenager with a broken leg and back without shocking the crap out of him, we are in a mess of trouble.

The very definition of "Evolution in Action" (20 seconds)

rottenseed says...

>> ^jwray:
He survived the video, but without a hospital he wouldn't survive the day. It looked like he got at least a severe concussion and might have a cracked skull and a broken neck.

A snuff film shows the actual death of a human being. No "what ifs" involved. Close calls are amazing to watch and a lot of very popular videos would have to be removed from this site if we followed that speculative "could have died" approach

The very definition of "Evolution in Action" (20 seconds)

jwray says...

He survived the video, but without a hospital he wouldn't survive the day. It looked like he got at least a severe concussion and might have a cracked skull and a broken neck.

Slow motion punches

House Season Finale (1sttube Talk Post)

theaceofclubz says...

Its finally going to be Lupus, and everyones got it...

Wilson is going to get all suspicious bout House and Amber. They'll probably play that tension up through the show until house finally has an epiphany at the end and realizes he didn't. (I just don't think they'd make house that huge of a sleazeball, I think it'd hurt the show's ratings). Also House's concussion gets worse and complicates his treatment of Amber. picked up on a somewhat interesting story regarding House -
"According to TV Guide's Michael Ausiello:

"As I understand it, producers are introducing a new male character for a multi-episode arc and, assuming the actor they find really pops in the role, he may be spun off into his own show. But there's a twist, and it's a big one: Per multiple sources, this newbie is not a doctor, but rather a private investigator!""

If they're thinking of having a socially inept, detail oriented detective I suggest they tune into Monk.

How Many Five Year Olds Can you Take In A Fight? (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

MarineGunrock says...

31. I may be one of the most cold-hearted, calloused son-of-a-bitch you will ever meet.
At first I doubted that number then I thought about five year olds. My roommate's girlfriend has a 5 year old. They are small (about 40lb, tops) and their bones are soft, allowing a punch to the head to impart that much more concussive force to their brain.

So really, that's only 31 punches. Or a few swings of another child by their legs in a circle.

Psycho Cops Strip Search Innocent Woman

millertime1211 says...

I read all the comments and MOST seemed to come up with a reason WHY she should have been searched. How about this scenario. A lady is taking food to her elderly grandmother. Her drunk cousin shows up who grandma took in because she is a screwup. Cousin hits her and then takes off back to the bar. Helpful neighbor calls police. Lady hands them ID of her dead sister she keeps for memories by accident, cop thinks she's lying and starts playing tough guy cop and arrests her. They take her to the station (without getting medical attention first) and she is uncooperative since she just got beat up and has a concussion. Cops get pissed and since she has cuts/bruises assume she did it to herself. She's now a suicide threat and next thing lady knows she's naked in a cell wrapped in toilet paper!

The World's Worst Spiderman

Gus Hansen Launches Online Poker Community

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