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Two WORST Martial Arts Techniques Ever!

davidraine says...

>> ^jwray:
more likely to break your forearm than break the bat

Then, with your shattered forearm and concussion, make a stunned move to break something with your other arm, waving it ineffectually through the air. Use the momentum the bat gave you to crumple to the ground in a haze, and CONTINUING YOUR MOMENTUM roll once to a stop face-up on the pavement.

American Football: Hit of the year? Ouch!

American Football: Hit of the year? Ouch!

You chose the wrong kid to pick on...

Raaagh says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:
I don't know about fake, that would be pretty difficult for a bunch of kids to fake and it doesn't look viral. Plus I did a similar number on a bully in Jr High once, though it was the back of his head on a chalkboard not face first in a desk (and there was no handy chair nearby), so things like this DO happen.

His head was based on his own arm + the bashing made a rattling sound, not a concussing thud. Very WWF like.

Getting High On A Bus (No Drugs!)

gwiz665 says...

This happened to a girl on our way to high scool. We hit a snow bump, and she thumped her head on the ceiling something fierce. Had to get an ambulance and everything. She was alright though, just a concussion.

Psych: To the right of the video.

American girl flips the bird, throws drink in dudes face...

Ryjkyj says...

Looks to me like she hit her head on the conrete really hard when she fell.

I don't know about you guys but I get really tired of this hollywood invincibility image we all seem to have in our heads. She might be totally fine and I don't mean to sound like anyone's mother but a fall like that has the possibility of causing a lot more damage than most people think. A concussion not being the least.

IMO that type of physical reaction to a drink being thrown in someone's face is never justified. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was a guy. Now, we all get pissed off and for my own sake: I hope that guy AND his friends got their fucking asses handed to them.

PS: LOcky, latin culture has a very strong standard of masculinity. Not unlike New Zealand or Australian culture. And "Mexican" isn't a race.

My Vicodin Vacation... (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

swampgirl says...

heheh.. I was ON vicodin last week. My little fluffy dog Nami crossed my path on the way down the stairs and my foot lost it sending me down on my back. I put a hole in the wall w/ my elbow, screwed the hell out of my neck and gave myself a concussion.

My husband just discovered my laptop was recieving wireless afterall.. (self-healed?) I could have been playing here all last week!

Billy Mays Dead at 50

Edgeman2112 says...

Billy Mays here for Helmet Helper! Tired of getting hit in the head by falling debris? Can't stand crazy shit falling from the ceiling when your airplane pilot wants to take a nose dive? Then you need Helmet Helper!

The secret is our patented space age polymer foam. It even stands up to a freight train barreling down the tracks!

Order now and receive a second Helmet Helper at no additional cost to you. But wait, that's not all. We'll even throw in the Concussion Buddy! If you get hit in the head, the Concussion Buddy beeps like a motherf-cker and says "Get to the hospital!!" All this for 19.95!

Israeli Settlers Clash With Police

joedirt says...

Imagine if these were Palestinians in their homes their families have lived in for a hundred years... The police (well IDF) would have been much more brutal.

They didn't even use CN gas to clear the area.. Or other munitions the US has sold them like concussion grenades and other weapons. It's funny the different treatment they give to actual criminals instead of Palestinians who are just treated much worse than this.

The Worst Fountain Dive Ever - Thanks To Showboating Tosser

budzos says...


For my money the guy who pushed from behind should be in jail for assault. I know if someone did that to me they would have a horrible accident themselves some time in the future.

Striker vs Grappler part 2 - this time the striker wins

A musical mind fuck (Music Talk Post)

eric3579 says...


That one freaked me out considering my recent emergency room visit(last year) for head trauma (concussion). I had fallen backwards off a skateboard and bounced my head off the pavement.

Good samaritans' should now have a lawyer with them

joedirt says...

I totally disagree. If someone is stupid enough to move your after a neck or spinal injury and can't take the basic steps to try and immobilize your neck, they should be sued.

Imagine if I came along and tried to do CPR and cracked all your ribcage and shoved a bone into your lung and you died in 2 mins. And maybe you were still breathing but they just thought that's what you are supposed to do. Or someone passes out and a samaritan starts slapping them so hard they give them a concussion. Or you are choking and someone starts jumping up and down on your stomach.

Was the car in this case even on fire? NO? then he deserved to be sued. If it was on fire then probably not.

Tame tiger reveals its true nature.

jwray says...

>> ^McFarQue:
>> ^jwray:
The sensationalized commentary was misleading.
So It can swing a 65 kilo doll around. Big deal. In a one on one fight for survival, a real live human would have a chance, with or without tools. If you can kick a football 70 yards, you can knock out a tiger. The obvious tactic would be to kick the shit out of it before it can even get in range to bite vital areas.

You really should do some research on the tactics a tiger uses to take down it's prey.
Kicking the shit out of it sounds like a great plan, with one small catch. You need to land those kicks, and plenty of them to win. All the while this cat is playing with you like a kitten with a sock. At the point that it gets tired and just jumps at your face, you better be ready to doge like a ninja or die like a chewtoy.

One good kick to the right part of the head could give it a terrible concussion, depending on what sort of shoes you're wearing. As bipedal primates, our kicks are much more agile and long-range than those of quadruped mammals. Tigers rely on stealth and striking from behind because of the ridiculously short range of their main weapon (the teeth). If you see it coming, you have a good chance. Humans are better at long-distance running, too, because we don't overheat as easily. A tiger can sprint faster than a human athlete for only a very short distance. And humans are much better than tigers at climbing trees, or picking up wood from the ground and using it as a weapon (which increases the difference between the tiger's strike range and your strike range). If it tries to pounce from 6 feet away, you have plenty of time to knock it sideways while it is in an unstable posture with only half of its limbs on the ground (its usual prey are quadrupeds whose limbs aren't well oriented to do such a defensive maneuver, and who couldn't turn quickly enough to maintain an orientation facing the tiger).

MacGyver Tornado Punch (3 seconds)

Payback says...

Obviously Mac used the concussive force of rushing air to knock out the orderly so that his knuckles wouldn't be bruised so he could then use his spud-gun RPG -made from 2 toilet rolls and a tube of mint toothpaste- to blow out the wall so they could escape on the Segway he built from the old gurney, an autoclave, and a TI 99/4a.

God, I loved that show...

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