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george carlin-how language is used to mask truth

Babymech says...

I know this is what he and a lot of others want to think, but for most of his examples, just like his example of stupidity vs learning disability, there are actual and reasonable grounds for the name changes. PTSD vs shell-shocked, for example, isn't a case of trying to be 'less offensive' - shell shock was an informal term coined by soldiers to describe a range of experiences and symptoms, and combat stress syndrome, PTSD, etc, were developed by professionals who wanted to make an actual diagnosis (to me, shell shock sounds a lot less harmful than PTSD, because I'm not 80 years old). It's a case of people with more expertise and knowledge than Carlin trying to create concepts that are actually useful. You could call it 'murder crazy' if you want to be 'raw' but that doesn't get us anywhere. This is the problem with Carlin's thesis - he brings in terms that he doesn't understand, describing situations that don't affect him directly, and tries to cram it into some 'old white man post-relevance get off my lawn syndrome' (OWMPGOMLS).

I know that a lot of people agree with what they see as his underlying point. I'm just saying that his examples here don't support that point.

asynchronice said:

I think you're taking a very narrow view on the point he eventually arrives to at the end. Shellshocked/PTSD/Battle Fatigue is the perfect example of the exact same thing being watered down into it's least offensive 'sounding' form. It's not two different things (say stupidity vs dyslexic).

MariusZ Goli shreds on the streetside

MariusZ Goli shreds on the streetside

Stephen Colbert: Trump "knows who the real audience is"

newtboy jokingly says...

Well then, Colbert should be the most in the know, as the person who coined the word 'truthiness'

That said, it's still likely he doesn't understand today's politics, as there's no rational rationale for most of what happens or is said, it's all irrational personal political truthiness.

Payback said:

It's possible he doesn't. What's happening now isn't politics. It's the "truthy" version.

Top 10 Products Banned on Amazon

shang says...

Ha! Yep, I got SS eagle pins recommended.

Here's some my new recommendation that now show on amazon

"Rape All Girls" -

Buckyballs ripoffs -

Tons of Nazi items
SS deaths head pin -

1938 2 Reichsmark coin -

Nazi flag, Fascist Italian flag, Imperial Japan flag, and yes small to gigantic cheap to expensive embroider Confederate flags

And digital books like Anarchist cookbook, Nazi scanned ebooks of unpublished books by Nazis that wrote after escape to Argentina, but the works were unpublished, so its scanned pages from old typewriter copy.

The strangest stuff on recommendations, also Eroge game about drugging girl and raping her for PC and a lolicon

Amazon has wild shit, you can find everything in that video one trick I notice, just mispell the item and bam found

gorillaman said:

I bet you're getting some pretty interesting product recommendations now.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Pennies

Lawrence_Chard says...

I was surprised to hear John Oliver discussing the "Get Rid of the Penny" topic in the USA, not because the subject is uninteresting, but because he failed to point out the glaring anachronism that Americans still call their one cent coin a "penny".

Do they not realise that they started a revolution in 1765, declared independence in 1776, and started making one cent coins in 1793?

Why do they still call cents pennies? After more than 200 years, I would have thought that even the most parochial or remote American would have heard the news.

The Canadians aren't much better. The penny finally dropped there in 2012, when they stopped minting one cent coins. The first Canadian one cent coin was struck in 1858. One strange quirk is that the word penny in Canada used to refer to a two-cent coin, even though they never issued any 2 cent coins! It is possible they were referring to US 2-cent coins, which were issued from 1864 to 1873, but more likely because a French sous was worth approximately half a (British) penny, therefore a two sous coin was the near equivalent of a penny.

In Euroland, the Irish recently started to phase out the use of one and two cent coins, but most of their discussions were also about dropping the penny!

One solution could be to emulate Zimbabwe, where high inflation means that one US dollar is worth about 360 Zimbabwe dollars, or about 520 to a British pound. This neatly avoids the need for any fractional denominations.

Talking about fractional coins:

...which also reveals a surprising etymological link between coins and anatomy, as does this:

Perhaps the guy he mentioned getting a cent stuck in his anus was going for the closest alternative.

Carvana – Car Vending Machine

the enslavement of humanity

enoch says...

there many forms of enslavement,to wit most people are wholly unaware,either unwittingly or unwillingly.

"none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" van goethe.

consider this my friends:
if you accept currency for your labors,where you toil for anothers financial are literally renting your time,creativity and labors for are a wage slave and a hundred years ago our ancestors were very aware of this and found it detestable.they literally saw it as a form of slavery.

now as @Lawdeedaw pointed out,there are some protections put forth by our government,along with other governments,but those were not just handed out.they had to be fought for,and many died for those whom? wage slaves,but in those days they KNEW thats what they were,and proceeded from that premise.

the philosophy of the matrix even addressed this very idea of slavery (yep,i went there).that the majority of the people had become so entrenched and immersed in the system,that to even question the system would illicit a violent and defensive response.they would fight to remain in the system.

just look at our friend @Barbar 's reaction.
even the term "slave" was enough for a visceral reaction.

i am reminded of a doug stanhope routine in where he states " at least i KNOW i am a slave,YOU,however..remain clueless".

so let us take the term "slave" off the table and instead use the dynamic of "power vs powerlessness".

the current systems of power have the majority of people running on hamster wheel of desperation.may it be "pay check to paycheck" or "mortgage and credit cards" or the subtle doctrine of "conform and obey".this could also be "all of the above".

the real question is this:
do you consider yourself free?
because a comfortable still a slave.
the term may be dramatic,but it is accurate.

Why Props Matter

Possibly the most AWESOME Star Wars toy ever

brycewi19 says...

Those things are still pretty fun. I've had one for about two years now and it still rocks!

I'm hoping to scrape together a few coins to get the BB-8 though.

OverLord said:

I feel bad for my brother in law that got a standard Sphero for his birthday a month ago...

Magician Dan White Blows Jimmy Fallon's Mind

lucky760 says...

He never actually touches his pant leg to test if it's there and that would be too much of a giveaway.

Perhaps there's something rigged under his own clothes (like a metal detector) that triggers if the coin is detected when he gets near.

Magician Dan White Blows Jimmy Fallon's Mind

iaui says...

And back on topic, I just can't see how the touches at each of these moments could give the toucher enough information about whether the coin is or isn't in his pocket. At 1:59 he barely touches the outer flap of his jacket which isn't touching his pants. Can you explain how this can transmit that info?

noims said:

I'm pretty sure I can see how he did it.

In each case, he manually checked if the coin was in the pocket before giving the choices. He could then say 'choose Red if the coin is in your hand' because he knows Red is written on the bill.

I caught where he could have done the first and second checks:
1: as he touched Jinny's shoulder at 1:59
2: with his leg at 3:08
For the third the camera was pointing away, so I couldn't tell.

Nice trick though, and well executed.

Magician Dan White Blows Jimmy Fallon's Mind

noims says...

I'm pretty sure I can see how he did it.

In each case, he manually checked if the coin was in the pocket before giving the choices. He could then say 'choose Red if the coin is in your hand' because he knows Red is written on the bill.

I caught where he could have done the first and second checks:
1: as he touched Jinny's shoulder at 1:59
2: with his leg at 3:08
For the third the camera was pointing away, so I couldn't tell.

Nice trick though, and well executed.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists

radx says...

The writers for True Detective nailed it rather well, I'd say:

"Been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey 'He said for you to give me your fuckin' share'. People! So goddamn frail they'd rather put a coin in a wishin' well than buy dinner."


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