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shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

I will do that by giving you an illustration from the scripture. In Mark Chapter 9:17-24 we read about a man who came to Jesus asking Him to heal his demon possessed child:

17 Then one of the crowd answered and said, “Teacher, I brought You my son, who has a mute spirit.
18 And wherever it seizes him, it throws him down; he foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. So I spoke to Your disciples, that they should cast it out, but they could not.”
19 He answered him and said, “O faithless generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him to Me.”
20 Then they brought him to Him. And when he saw Him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth.
21 So He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?”
And he said, “From childhood.
22 And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”
23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”

The cure for unbelief in the bible is to ask the Lord to help your unbelief. When you begin to ask God to change your heart so you can believe, He will begin to do a work in your life that will you be able to perceive.

We are all deaf dumb and blind without God bringing light to our understanding. This is how you will be able to comprehend spiritual truth. This happens only through faith in Jesus. Faith in Jesus is turning from your sins and turning towards God to be forgiven

BSR said:

How do you communicate God's words to the "dumb, deaf and blind." Please keep it simple for me. I am all three.

You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

Mooglab Birmingham - Sarah Angliss

lurgee (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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A Message From Alex Trebek | JEOPARDY!

Snowblower Race

Plane Ran Out of Fuel at 41,000 Feet. Here's What Happened.

CrushBug says...

OK, hold the fucking phone here. This video is just a disaster. It is flippant and glossing over the facts of what actually happened. This story is a favorite of mine, so I have done a lot a reading on it.

This happened in 1983 (36 years ago).

>> Do planes seriously not have a fuel gauge?

There is specifically a digital fuel gauge processor on that plane, and it was malfunctioning. There was an inductor coil that wasn't properly soldered onto the circuit board. At that time, planes were allowed to fly without a functioning digital fuel gauge as long as there was a manual check of the fuel in tanks and the computer was told the starting fuel.

The problem is that fuel trucks pump by volume and planes measure fuel by weight. The fueling truck converted the volume to kilograms and then converted to pounds. He should not have used both. In 1983 ground crews were used to converting volume to pounds. The 767 was the first plane in Air Canada's fleet to have metric fuel gauges.

The line in the video "the flight crew approved of the fuel without noticing the error" glosses over how it is actually done. The pilot was passed a form that contained the numbers and calculations from the ground crew that stated that 22,300 kg of fuel was loaded on the plane. The math was wrong, but unless the pilots re-did the numbers by hand, there wouldn't be anything to jump out at them. He accepted the form and punched those numbers in to the computer.

The 767 was one of the first planes to eliminate the Flight Engineer position and replace it with a computer. There was no clear owner as to who does the fuel calc in this situation. In this case, it fell to the ground crew.

>> I would hope there is a nit more of a warning system than the engines shutting off.

If there was a functional digital fuel gauge, it would have showed them missing half their fuel from the start, and the error would have been caught. Because there wasn't, the computer was calculating and displaying the amount of fuel based on an incorrect start value.

That is another problem with this video. It states that "they didn't even think about it until ... and an alarm went off signalling that their left engine had quit working."

Fuck you, narrator asshole.

In this case, low fuel pump pressure warnings were firing off before the engines shut down. They were investigating why they would be getting these low pressure warnings when their calculated fuel values (based on the original error) showed that they had enough fuel.

>> I can't believe the pilot's were given an award for causing an avoidable accident.

The pilots did not cause it. They followed all the proper procedures applicable at that time, 1983. It was only due to their skill and quick thinking that the pilots landed the plane without any serious injuries to passengers.

They ran simulations in Vancouver of this exact fuel and flight situation and all the crews that ran this simulation crashed their planes.

"Bad math can kill you." Flippant, correct, but still not quite applicable to this situation. Air Canada did not provide any conversion training for dealing with kilograms and the 767. Not the ground crew, nor the pilots, were trained how to handle it. They were expected to "figure it out". That, and the elimination of the Flight Engineer position, set these situations up for disaster.

Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

simonm says...

The full list of known indictments and plea deals:

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser. Arrested July 2017. Pleaded guilty October 2017 to making false statements to the FBI. 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair. Indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team. First trial ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018 (though Mueller’s team said in November that he breached that agreement by lying to them).

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. February 2018 he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty December 2017 to making false statements to the FBI.

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

21) Richard Pinedo: This California man pleaded guilty to an identity theft charge in connection with the Russian indictments, and has agreed to cooperate with Mueller. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and 6 months of home detention in October 2018.

22) Alex van der Zwaan: This London lawyer pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Rick Gates and another unnamed person based in Ukraine. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and has completed his sentence.

23) Konstantin Kilimnik: This longtime business associate of Manafort and Gates, who’s currently based in Russia, was charged alongside Manafort with attempting to obstruct justice by tampering with witnesses in Manafort’s pending case last year.

24-35) 12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia’s military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats’ emails in 2016.

36) Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. In August 2018 pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations — related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump, as part of a separate investigation in New York (that Mueller had handed off). He made a plea deal with Mueller too, for lying to Congress about efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

37) Roger Stone: January 2019, longtime Trump adviser indicted on 7 counts. Stone of is accused of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign, and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story.

One other person initially investigated, but handed over to others in the Justice Department to charge: Sam Patten. This Republican operative and lobbyist pleaded guilty to not registering as a foreign agent with his work for Ukrainian political bigwigs, and agreed to cooperate with the government.

Unable to buy new shoes, Venezuelans rely on shoemaker's cre

newtboy says... not try to teach anyone history, you simply don't know it. You are just wrong on nearly every point......again.

On 2 June 2010, (with oil at $80) President Chávez declared an "economic war" because of the increasing shortages in Venezuela.[1] The crisis intensified under the Maduro government, growing more severe as a result of low oil prices in early 2015,[12][19][20] and a drop in oil production from lack of maintenance and investment.[11] The government failed to cut spending in the face of falling oil revenues and has dealt with the crisis by denying its existence[21][22] and violently repressing opposition.[11] Political corruption, chronic shortages of food and medicine, closure of companies, unemployment, deterioration of productivity, authoritarianism, human rights violations, gross economic mismanagement and high dependence on oil have also contributed to the worsening crisis.

bobknight33 said:

Sorry Government is Socialist and took over the oil and gave the money out till oiled price drop and then the country fell..

MAGA Catholic Kids Mock Native Veteran's Ceremony

newtboy says...

So you know, the "March for life" ended over 22 blocks away near the supreme court, the indigenous people's march ended on the steps of the Lincoln memorial where this happened.

bobknight33 said:

The kids were there for "March For Life" and the Natives were there for the "Indigenous People's March."

WKB (Member Profile)

Kayaking Down the Worlds Largest Natural Water Slide

"Nice Shoes"

KrazyKat42 says...

:01 Twilight Zone
:20 Naked Barbie Doll
:30 Destination Moon (rocket)
.33 MTV logo
.35 Trip to the Moon movie
.36 Lost In Space
:47 Logans Run, Back to the future, Men in Black, Eye of HAL, Rollerball
.55 Nineteen Eighty-Four, MSTK3
.57 Dr. Who phonebooth, THX 1138 on the wall
1:01 Battlestar Galatica tattoo, BB8 from Star Wars
1:04 Matrix (red/blue pill in glasses reflection)
1:08 Armageddon or Independence Day.
1:11 5th Element
1:14 Patches (Prometheus, Silent Running, Alien)Major Tom Logo On Space Suit.
1:14 Star TreK (USS Enterprise (NCC-1701))
1:21 Posters (War of the Worlds, Body Snatchers, Soylent Green)
1:28 Area 51, Alien Autopsy, Logo from Lost
1:54 and 2:00 Day The Earth Stood Still robot
2:16 Barbarella
2:22 Metropolis
2:23 ET
2:24 Forbidden Planet (Robby The Robot)
2:25 Outland and Enemy Mine posters
2:29 Close Encounters (Devil's Tower)
2:41 Time Machine (on left), 2001 monolith, Star Trek
2:43 Max Headroom
2:35 Alien
3:04 Buckaroo Banzi Ending
3:18 Dr. Who (dalek)
3:36 Flash Gordon rocket ship

"Nice Shoes"

RFlagg says...

1:28 the logo on the suits is from Lost.
1:33 is Alien Autopsy
1:55 Day the Earth Stood Still
2:22 Metropolis
3:04 The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension

"Nice Shoes"

eric3579 says...

Things i'd like answered...

:47 What is the neon sanctuary sign from? (they had "sanctuary" in Logans Run but don't know if there was a neon sign)

:50 Is the SETI helicopter from anything?

1:01 Tatoo on womans arm seems familiar, but can't place it. Also is the scanning the eyes with a handheld device from something in particular?

1:18 The ROBOT sign seems familiar. Probably due to the font and particularly the "R".

2:22 What is the image on the watch from?

2:42 What is the Oragami and toy car from? Also is Quark from something?

2:45 Glowing object?

2:52 Chinese looking logos and walking through doorish type thing?

3:29 Can't place what that is from, but looks super familiar.

Zawash (Member Profile)

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