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Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

StukaFox says...

Dude, you live in West Sacramento, so shut the fuck up. If you wanted to live somewhere nice, you would have moved to the Fab 40s or Land Park. Instead, you bought a cheap-ass house in a cheap-ass area because you're a cheap-ass prick, so suck it up.

You're lucky that bangers aren't drive-by'ing your house 24/7, because that's what West Sac was like in the 80s. The only reason anyone ever went to West Sac was to buy drugs, usually from me. That place was fucking anarchy for decades. My friend and sales associate used to down a 5th of Jack, then camp out on his back porch with a .22 and shoot rats off the power lines. Occasionally, he actually hit one instead of blacking out the whole block. Then, once he was done dealing with the local wildlife, he'd move on to blowing off M-80s and M-100s at 4 in the morning. That's what West Sac used to be like on a quiet night. When shit got rowdy -- a day we called 'pretty much any hot summer day' -- the fun was fully uncorked. Shootings, fires, more shootings, vandalism, fist-fights, street robberies, SO much more shooting, an increase in drug sales and thus my income; even the cops stayed off the streets on nights like that.

This idiot wouldn't have lasted five minutes in West Sac back then. Fucking skateboarding -- shit.

Perceptive lawyer figures abuser and victim in same location

Digitalfiend says...

I think the plaintiff's lawyer becomes suspicious at 7:22 when the defense lawyer is making his objection. You see the plaintiff look over her right shoulder and, the first time I watched it, I thought she was struggling to hear what the defense lawyer was saying. But watching it a second time, you can see her jaw moving, like she is mouthing something to someone and the defendant's video shuts off for a bit. The prosecutor likely had more context and had spoken to the plaintiff before as well, so probably had a gut feeling as to what was transpiring. Still a crazy good call though!

Can You Trust the Media? | Manufacturing Consent Explained

bobknight33 says...

Each main stream should only get noon and evening news for total of 2 hours. No more opinion/ spin crap 22 hrs / day.

Would like a total ban for 2 years.

Media is the problem.

In the Blink of an Eye: Space in an Instant

StukaFox says...

It's fairly amazing how short the Stelliferous Era (the time period in which stars exist) is during the entire birth-to-death of the universe. It's roughly 10^6 - 10^14 years (one million to 100 trillion years from the Big Bang to stellar death, or a span of one million million x 8 years). This seems like a very long time, but on the universal time scale, it's not. "Matter" in the universe will exist for ~10^~125 years, or ten unquadragintillion (yes, that's a real word)

This is the equivalent (if I'm doing the math right) of the total life of the universe being a length of one mile, the entire age in which stars exist is the width of a playing card approximately one millimeter from the start.

For comparison, the atomic decay of Xenon-124 into Tellurium-124 is about 18 sextillion years (1.8 x 10^22 years), roughly 1 trillion times the current age of the universe.

The Worst Gun Control Bill I've Ever Seen

newtboy says...

TL,DW, but I read the’s short.
Fear not. This bill has zero chances of passing. It is, as described, the worst gun control bill in living memory.

Keep in mind, even with the house, senate, and presidency Democrats couldn’t even close gun show and private sale registration loopholes. What chance does an open to the public registry of all gun owners, their addresses, lists of their guns, and plain descriptions of where and how they are stored paired with an $800 a year per gun license (not concealed carry permits, just ownership) and mandatory penalties for not having a valid license at $75000-$150000 and 15-20 years in prison per infraction have. None. It’s laughably overreaching and unpopular....likely unconstitutional too.
Watch this wither on the vine. It isn’t serious, it’s someone trying to score political points....oddly enough sponsored by a Texan representative.

Passing this bill, that wouldn’t be enacted for at least a year after passing assuming no one challenged it, would absolutely guarantee Democrats lose the house and senate in 22, and the presidency in 24, and see it reversed before it was implemented. I don’t think they’re that stupid. (That’s not a challenge, congress)

GOP Stonewalls Biden's Agenda; Sued for Election Lies

TheFreak says...

The catch 22 is that Rudy HAS to defend himself by arguing that his claims were the truth. Any other defense is an admission that the fraud claims were all lies.

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

Animaniacs Jurassic Park Clip | A Hulu Original

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

bobknight33 says...

EV will be 85% of all new vehicles sold on showroom floors in with in 10 years

Tesla dominates today and is ahead of all by at least 5 years in technology.

1100 shares and want more.

They build factories in 11 months.

Giga Shanghai factory 2 will be pushing out cars in about 2 months
Giga Berlin should be pushing out cars next march.

Tesla just adding super stamper in Fremont CA Factory and the new shanghai factory 2.

My guess, they will exceed their goal this year of 560,000 and will hit 600K

By end of 2021 their goal is 2 Million vehicles.

Battery day/ investor day is this Sept 22. This is the biggest event of the year.
Their Nevada battery factory in NV is large enough to hold 97 747 jets. And its not enough. I expect big news. The million mile battery is all but a done deal. IE after 1 Mil Miles the battery only degrades 5 to 8 %.

In 1967, this movie scene told the future.

Today the word is TESLA

wtfcaniuse said:

Keen to hear your answers.

Windows 95 "Start Me Up" Commercial (1995)

Khufu says...

windows 3.x wasn't necessary and I preferred straight up MS-DOS at the time so stuck with that. Windows 95 replaced both DOS and Win 3.x so I had to use it. But still have my DOS 6.22 original floppies if I ever need to go back.


luxintenebris says...

the present president has, as of April 14 '20, said over 18,000 lies or 15/day. every day. and only those said in public, journaled by the press, and fact-checked for veracity.

@ that rate, he would have told ~22,000 for 4 full years.

of course, the rate will soar even higher as the next election nears. he's sorta the santa of insincerity. delivering nothing to the stockings but a false promise. to believe in either takes a great deal of naivety.

Propaganda Unfit To Print

newtboy says...

Oh Fuck @bobknight33....
Your guy here is attempting to talk shit about New Zealand because some people lost jobs, 229000, most of which are in tourism and will return, but America lost well over 40000000, a huge number of which are gone permanently.
New Zealand has had 22 deaths, America, which fudges the numbers worse than China, has a reported 170000 and screaming upwards, the true number is likely twice that.
As for civil rights, they're not the same as America, no one took their rights you morons.
And again, you incredible fuckwits, days after ENDING lockdown they were reinfected, the lockdown worked.
New Zealand has different laws, and while the prime minister can delay the election in New Zealand legally, Trump absolutely can not, no matter the circumstances. Also, it's abundantly clear New Zealand isn't postponing to benefit any one candidate , but Trump was.
It's also abundantly clear New Zealand will hold their election. If Trump had his way, most people agree 2018 would be the last presidential election of his lifetime, after which he would designate Jarred (because as a woman, Ivanka couldn't possibly do it) to inherit the throne.
Besides, Trump wants to postpone not due to Covid, which he says is already over, is safe, is just a cold, only infects Democrats, only kills people already on their death beds, and is a hoax scheduled to miraculously disappear November 4th, he wants to postpone due to polls....or can you admit all that bullshit about how safe it is to vote in person is just that, utter bullshit, and he should be trying to help make vote by mail work to ensure maximum possible numbers of safe votes are counted, but no, he's both trying to postpone and saying it's safe and doing everything possible to make vote by mail AND absentee voting (which are the same thing, exactly the same checks and regulations despite Trump's lies) unreliable if not impossible.
He seems to forget absentee ballots, the vote by mail he's trying to get Republicans to use, also use the USPS. You can't cast absentee ballots if you can't cast vote by mail ballots. The only difference between them is absentees must claim in person is a hardship, otherwise they're exactly the same with the same verification processes.

More *lies and bullshit propaganda. The desperation is growing. Just fucking ridiculously dumb.

This Computer Is About to Change The World

vil says...

"This would take too long to explain?" Take a stab, you just spent 22 minutes beating about the bush.

Will bread be cheaper?

Governments and rich people will be able to break passwords. Three day weather forecasts will become four day weather forecasts. Pharma will make even more money. Duh.

Massive scientific improvements are fiction until they happen. Trickle down (anything) is fiction. We will never all own helicopters, while helicopters are awesome. This may be as useful to the public as large telescopes and particle colliders.

Not predicting a conspicuous failiure, but lets wait until the chicken hatch.

Living in a country that has trouble building and maintaining an elementary highway system gives you immunity to purely theoretical solutions to traffic problems.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

People of Colour PD | 22 Minutes

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