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People of Colour PD | 22 Minutes

ant (Member Profile)

People of Colour PD | 22 Minutes

cloudballoon says...

What a great idea! Love This Hour has 22 Minutes, our Canadian TV comedy show staple.

Hey our neighbor down South (looking at you, the US of A), you steal our IT pros, doctors, nurses & more. Why don't you steal this idea, eh? You're welcome!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

"can't take back no hurt"

scheherazade says...

I looked up some stats just to see.

30 per million blacks fatally shot by police.
12 per million whites fatally shot by police.

So cops are roughly twice as likely to kill a black person, per racial group.

US being 76% white and 13% black, that works out to an aggregate ratio of roughly 9 whites killed per 4 blacks, per capita. In the end the death toll is high all around, white people aren't getting away scott free.

We should also consider poverty. Poverty and crime tend to track one another. It's safe to assume that areas with more crime will be more likely to experience police encounters, and hence more police shootings on average.,%22sort%22:%22asc%

White poverty rate (9%) is roughly half of black poverty (22%), which implies that crime is also half as frequent among whites, which is roughly similar to the per capita difference in police shooting rate.

30/12 is 2.5
22/9 is 2.44
2.5 > 2.44, so it implies bias against blacks, but not as big as I expected.

As far as total people killed, cops kill plenty people of all races. The numbers don't look as lopsided as I expected, which surprises me.

I appreciate the solidarity among black people. They at least try to hold authorities to account.

White people couldn't care less when cops kill whites. They just shrug it off as 'well the guy must have done something to piss off the cop, so it was probably their own fault anyways'. You can sit on liveleak watching cops kill white people all day, but other white people never get worked up about it. It's a shame they don't have the same sense of unity as black people do.

I wish the protests were about police abuse in general. Or even goverment abuse. There are so many issues that need fixing (e.g. civil forfeiture, repeatedly trying people for the same event by tweaking charges until a conviction sticks, government budget being infinitely larger than a defendant's budget, government freezing a defendant's funds so they can't afford lawyers, etc).


Molecular Biologist ➜ Dr. Judy Mikovits

newtboy says...

"Scientists" who falsify data or skew experiments to get their preconceived results should be ignored and silenced....those who steal from the company they were just fired from deserve jail.

Just read her wiki page...only bat shit crazy conspiracy nuts believe the government and scientific community as a whole conspired to ruin her because she told the truth....She's disgraced because she made repeatedly proven false anti vaccine claims they want ignored, but antivax conspiracy nuts love her. Reality is she's an anti vaxer whose experiments proved to be faked and whose theories are just insane.

Judy Anne Mikovits (c. 1958) is an American anti-vaccination activist, conspiracy theorist and discredited ex-medical researcher. She has made discredited claims about vaccines, coronavirus, and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As research director of CFS research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011, Mikovits led a research effort that reported in 2009 that a retrovirus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) was associated with CFS and may have had a causal role. However, the research came under fire, leading to an eventual retraction on December 22, 2011, by the journal Science.

In 2020, Mikovits drew attention online for promoting conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic, via the conspiracist YouTube video Plandemic[6] that were fact-checked and found to be either false or not based on scientific evidence.

Mikovits began to look for XMRV in her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome samples. In late 2008, a graduate student, who subsequently was hired as her technician, obtained two positive results from a group of twenty samples. He and Mikovits successively altered the experimental conditions until all samples gave a positive signal.

In 2009, Mikovits and co-workers reported in the journal Science that they had detected XMRV DNA in CFS patients and control subjects. Negative results were published soon after, disputing Mikovits's findings.

She's a fraud. Why else would Bobby love her so much?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Mourning in America

newtboy says...

Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control."
Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.
Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear."
March 7: “No, I’m not concerned at all."
March 10: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

The states that are opening are doing so against the guidelines Trump himself put forward as the minimum standards for safety....two weeks of decline in New cases.

What a moronic statement....states are crashing their own economies to make Trump look bad?! That's so insane and asinine that if I thought you meant it I would call for a welfare check because you're probably a danger to yourself.

Trump signed off on the biggest socialist handout ever, but 7/8 of that cash doesn't go to citizens, it goes to corporations and their owners like Monty Bennett, including Trump and family. I'm certain they'll go to the supreme court trying to hide the actual amount Trump's family receives. He will likely actually be a billionaire when he leaves office....they all will.

Oh...So when you post videos of old crumbling abandoned buildings in Cuba it's an honest depiction of the entire country, when someone else shows some in America it's out of line and lies....hypocrite. There are way more empty buildings in America today than 3 years ago with unemployment at historic highs.

Making Everywhere Get Apocalyptic 2020

Worst "president" (lost the vote) in 243 years, erratic and inconsistent, frantically rambling incoherently or sleepily mumbling and slurring, daughter- friend's wives- employees- acquaintance- and porn star finger banging and raping Con.....I mean Don.

bobknight33 said:

Trump did not ignore Covid. Way ahead of others.

Governors are responsible to open their stated. They are keeping states closed to crash the economy and then to blame it on Trump.
Trump signed off of shit load of cast for working people and businesses.

Images of shambled buildings... Really? Those were shambles way before Trump showed up.

This is Newt wet dream.

The best POTUS in last 60 years.

MEGA 2020

Way better than Alzheimers sleepy finger banging Joe.

C-note (Member Profile)

Saluting The Heros Of The Pandumbic

SFOGuy says...

Timeline as far as I know it...There seems to be...a disproportionate amount of golf...

1/3 Trump learns about coronavirus outbreak in China from intelligence officials.
1/3 Trump holds Miami, FL rally.
1/4 Trump plays golf.
1/5 Trump plays golf.
1/ 8 CDC issues warning about coronavirus.
1/9 Trump holds rally in Toledo, OH.
1/14 Trump holds Milwaukee, WI rally.
1/18 Trump plays golf.
1/19 Trump plays golf.
1/20 1st US case confirmed.
1/22 Trump "...we have it totally under control. It is going to be just fine".
1/23 Hubei, China goes on lockdown
1/24 Global cases over 1,000
1/27 Trump holds Wildwood, NJ rally
1/27 Global deaths over 100
1/30 Trump holds Des Moines, IA rally.
1/31 Global cases over 10,000
1/31 Trump enacts China travel ban
2/1 Trump plays golf.
2/2 Trump "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
2/2 Trump plays golf.
2/5 End of impeachment
2/10 Trump holds Manchester, NH rally.
2/10 Global deaths over 1,000
2/13 Senators Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) sold off millions of dollars in public stock following a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus
2/15 Trump plays golf.
2/19 Trump holds Phoenix, AZ rally.
2/20 Trump holds Colorado Springs, CO rally.
2/21 The first Italian cities go on lockdown
2/21 Trump hold Las Vegas, NV rally.
2/25 Trump "...we are down to 15 cases, will be zero soon."
2/27 Trump "One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
2/28 Trump holds Charleston, SC rally and says worries about the virus is the new "hoax".
2/29 1st American dies from coronavirus.
3/2 Trump holds Charlotte, NC rally.
3/6 Global cases over 100,000
3/6 Trump “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
3/7 Trump plays golf.
3/7 Trump says "No I'm not concerned at all. We've done a great job".
3/8 Trump plays golf.
3/9 The whole country of Italy goes on lockdown
3/11 ~~CDC~~ WHO declares SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic
3/13 Trump declares a national emergency.
3/13 Trump "No, I don't take responsibility at all".
3/17 Trump "I’ve always known this is a real—this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic … I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
3/19 Trump enacts travel ban on European countries.

3/27 Trump signs Covid-19 relief Bill
3/28 U.S. deaths surpass 1000
4/1 U.S deaths surpass 5000.
4/3 Trump fires intelligence community inspector general who flagged Ukraine whistleblower complaint that lead [self sic] to his impeachment.
4/4 "The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die...I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.”

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

SFOGuy says...

I dunno. This timeline doesn't seem to show him being very concerned.

1/3 Trump learns about coronavirus outbreak in China from intelligence officials.
1/3 Trump holds Miami, FL rally.
1/4 Trump plays golf.
1/5 Trump plays golf.
1/ 8 CDC issues warning about coronavirus.
1/9 Trump holds rally in Toledo, OH.
1/14 Trump holds Milwaukee, WI rally.
1/18 Trump plays golf.
1/19 Trump plays golf.
1/20 1st US case confirmed.
1/22 Trump "...we have it totally under control. It is going to be just fine".
1/23 Hubei, China goes on lockdown
1/24 Global cases over 1,000
1/27 Trump holds Wildwood, NJ rally
1/27 Global deaths over 100
1/30 Trump holds Des Moines, IA rally.
1/31 Global cases over 10,000
1/31 Trump enacts China travel ban
2/1 Trump plays golf.
2/2 Trump "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
2/2 Trump plays golf.
2/5 End of impeachment
2/10 Trump holds Manchester, NH rally.
2/10 Global deaths over 1,000
2/13 Senators Richard Burr (R., N.C.) and Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) sold off millions of dollars in public stock following a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus
2/15 Trump plays golf.
2/19 Trump holds Phoenix, AZ rally.
2/20 Trump holds Colorado Springs, CO rally.
2/21 The first Italian cities go on lockdown
2/21 Trump hold Las Vegas, NV rally.
2/25 Trump "...we are down to 15 cases, will be zero soon."
2/27 Trump "One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
2/28 Trump holds Charleston, SC rally and says worries about the virus is the new "hoax".
2/29 1st American dies from coronavirus.
3/2 Trump holds Charlotte, NC rally.
3/6 Global cases over 100,000
3/6 Trump “Anybody that needs a test, gets a test. We—they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful.”
3/7 Trump plays golf.
3/7 Trump says "No I'm not concerned at all. We've done a great job".
3/8 Trump plays golf.
3/9 The whole country of Italy goes on lockdown
3/11 ~~CDC~~ WHO declares SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic
3/13 Trump declares a national emergency.
3/13 Trump "No, I don't take responsibility at all".
3/17 Trump "I’ve always known this is a real—this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic … I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
3/19 Trump enacts travel ban on European countries.

3/27 Trump signs Covid-19 relief Bill
3/28 U.S. deaths surpass 1000
4/1 U.S deaths surpass 5000.
4/3 Trump fires intelligence community inspector general who flagged Ukraine whistleblower complaint that lead [self sic] to his impeachment.
4/4 "The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die...I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.”

bobknight33 said:

Trump was right from the beginning, Assembling a team , stopping china flights and starting preparations for this. The media countered with racist against China, Fool this is just another flu type event.

Now its 24hrs a day panic panic fear mongering from media and Trump should have prepared.

China lied and knew person to person spread back in mid December. The WHO carried the lies of China.

Seven Things You Should Know About Donald Trump and Iran

BSR says...

Trump naturally wants to be loved but he can't let that happen. In his heart everyone wants him for his money. He believes he can buy love and that's exactly the kind of love that keeps him unsatisfied without a clue as to why. Catch 22. Trapped behind his own wall. This is the reason why he needs so much attention. But, it never fills that void.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

MAGA Challenge

Climbing 700 m above the Abyss: Stairway to Heaven Austria

WmGn says...

In the close-up of the carabiners at 1:06, the gates are both facing in the same direction.

When we see them in use (e.g. 1:17 - 1:22, 1:30), they're facing in opposite directions - which, as I understand it, is the correct way to use them as it reduces the risk that an accident (e.g. a falling rock hit, a fall that suddenly stresses the safety line...) opens both at once.

I liked this video, but would have expected a high-safety culture not to show carabiners the wrong way around?

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