lucky760 says...

I went ahead and locked his account for the time being so he cannot continue assaulting the Sift during the Siftquisition.

I don't know that he could even be allowed to return if the Siftquisition fails because he's made it clear he is very interested in hurting the site.

lucky760 says...

Wow, I'm surprised to see people voting against the ban after his high volume of intentional and destructive behavior. I wonder, would we still be seeing those if he went and started discarding and downvoting their posts?

Go figure.

paul4dirt says...

i wouldnt perma-ban him if it was only for downvoting a lot of vids.

if you think videosift should contain only videos of (for example) goldfish, techno music or ballet and you hate everything else i don't see why one shouldnt be allowed to downvote a lot of other stuff. (after watching and disliking the vids..preferably)

i dont know if this is a downvoting spree without any reason but hurting the sift (as lucky says), the vids downvoted on the first page seem to indicate otherwise, of some of the next 5 pages im not 100% sure if its downvote-everything-randomly or have a look, dislike & downvote. (i also know what the time interval between the downvotes is, and it contains vids like where other people downvoted too, not that thats required but it might prove its not just random downvoting)

so, based on just this (in the opening post), and not doing any other research i am against a perma-ban.

add: (removed)

mintbbb says...

He was downvoting new videos pretty fast, definitely not watching them. Just down the unsifted line, down, down, down.

If lucky hadn't locked his accound, I doubt he would have stopped any time soon. The only reason there wasn't a bigger downvote burst was because it got noticed quickly.

blankfist says...

@paul4dirt: when I saw my queued vids voted down I went to his downvote page and refreshed it within seconds and the page was full of new videos. It's obvious he did a search and downvoted all the results without watching the videos.

On top of that he discarded mintbbb's Talk post.

And, on top of that he invoked * dead on a video that wasn't dead. All of this was done within minutes apart.

What else could it possibly take to convince you of a perma-ban?

Zonbie says...

Oh well...

I saw that about 5minutes ago, he downvoted a video of mine, it had just been posted - and then looking through BillO's downvotes, there are blocks of votes, lucky would need to look at timestamps, but is block downvoting....

lucky760 says...

Just so you know there's no question about his offense, I checked the logs and he was at minute 13 of a continuous stream of downvotes when I locked his account. In those 13 minutes he downvoted a total of 63 videos, each one a couple of seconds after another.

And, by the way, all of his downvotes will be invalidated, so blankfist's link to the listing won't make any sense after that's done.

paul4dirt says...

"What else could it possibly take to convince you of a perma-ban?"

well, all the information i just got did (add. might). however, in the original (now heavily edited) opening post i couldnt get this information so thats what i based my vote on.

"Please be as verbose as possible and explain all offenses in great detail, so
voters are informed enough to know exactly why and how they should cast their vote."

i would like siftquisition not to be edited after it has been put to a vote. i think it would be better if a full case was being made (providing extensive links and arguments) to base a vote on. now i already voted and with more information about time of votes and discarding attempts i cannot vote for a ban if i want to.
(the same thing if i voted for a ban and with the extra information wanted to vote against, and thats a bad thing - first information THEN voting would be nice - maybe first have a day of information gathering in next siftquisitions and vote AFTER members can comment and argue for and against the measure proposed)

(btw. id say skip this siftquisition and just admin-ban him if the admins are 100% convinced he shouldnt be allowed on their site anymore.)

lucky760 says...

In p4d's defense, I did add all that extra info after his (and other downvoter) votes.

blankfist failed to provide an adequate description of offenses, so I took it upon myself to enumerate them. I figured it was needed only after seeing the first few downvotes, like p4d's.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It really pissses me off that he would take a big dump on the community like that. I always gave him the benefit of the doubt - that he was really just just a parody figure and a bit of fun.

I guess you can never go wrong overestimating the vileness of your fellow humans. Now I'm depressed. Why do humans need to fuck things up, kick over sand castles - etc?

blankfist says...

>> ^lucky760:
In p4d's defense, I did add all that extra info after his (and other downvoter) votes.
blankfist failed to provide an adequate description of offenses, so I took it upon myself to enumerate them. I figured it was needed only after seeing the first few downvotes, like p4d's.

I suppose I figured it best if people saw the offenses and made their own judgment without me having to play district attorney over here and drumming up a case.

lucky760 says...

I think of the Siftquisition description as being like the closing arguments for a prosecutor.

In that analogy, you, blankfist the prosecutor, instead of telling the jury why the defendant is guilty, basically held up the gun with the "exhibit A" tag on it and told them "Look at this" then walked away like David Caruso on CSI: Miami.

mintbbb says...

>> ^lucky760:
I think of the Siftquisition body as being like the closing arguments for a prosecutor.
In that analogy, you, blankfist the prosecutor, instead of telling the jury why the defendant is guilty, basically held up the gun with the "exhibit A" tag on it and told them "Look at this" then walked away.

I think blankfist just wanted to act quickly before any more damage was done!

When I saw the downvotes, then him discarding my post about the downvoting.. in the middle of me trying to edit it to say 'actually, I think it is way more than 8 videos'.. I just went into a panic mode, my mind screaming 'he's gonna downvote and discard all the videos, ESPECIALLY my videos now, since he saw my posting about it.' So I went screaming 'Lucky, help us, billo's gone nuts!'

Thanks to blankfist for quickly springing in action to let everybody know what was happening. Thanks to Lucky for quickly stopping billo and fixing the damage! =)

I think I need a drink now, though!

spoco2 says...

He's a sad little man who is just so frustrated that Obama is in power and no amount of name calling and screaming 'socialism' and 'communism' at the top of his lungs is making him feel any better.

So he's having a tantrum to the detriment of the sift.

Permanent ban for him and his small minded, selfish little ways.

If you disagree so much with a community, just leave for f*ck's sake, don't try to destroy it.

I tired of his predictable comments so very, very long ago.

burdturgler says...

>> ^paul4dirt:
"What else could it possibly take to convince you of a perma-ban?"
well, all the information i just got did. however, in the original (now heavily edited) opening post i couldnt get this information so thats what i based my vote on.

Well, there's 3 days to cast your vote. If you are at all uncertain about a serious vote like permanently banning a member from this site, then don't vote. Don't go by just what is posted in the siftquisition, but look for yourself. Get the facts. It took me under a minute to see what he had done for myself.

"Please be as verbose as possible and explain all offenses in great detail, so
voters are informed enough to know exactly why and how they should cast their vote."
i would like siftquisition not to be edited after it has been put to a vote. i think it would be better if a full case was being made (providing extensive links and arguments) to base a vote on. now i already voted and with more information about time of votes and discarding attempts i cannot vote for a ban if i want to.
(the same thing if i voted for a ban and with the extra information wanted to vote against, and thats a bad thing - first information THEN voting would be nice - maybe first have a day of information gathering in next siftquisitions and vote AFTER members can comment and argue for and against the measure proposed)

I'm sorry, I don't agree. Evidence will come up during any "trial". Again, you have 3 days. You don't have to vote within the first hour. I understand you feel bad about your vote and yes, people should provide as much info as possible, but blankfist doesn't have access to all of the info. Yet, it was obvious just from looking at his downvote history what was going on. I'm sure you did not look at all.

(btw. id say skip this siftquisition and just admin-ban him if the admins are 100% convinced he shouldnt be allowed on their site anymore.)

I agree completely. Blatant abuse of the site like this doesn't take a siftquisition.

paul4dirt says...

" I understand you feel bad about your vote"

not at all, not at all. the 3day argument is a valid one though. i thought it still was only 24 hours, my bad.

"I'm sure you did not look at all."
want my browser history?
oh wait, im not on trial here

where's my medicine, my sweet sweet medicine (simon joyner, great song, someone should sift it)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

He obviously wants to be banned, as a dramatic finale to his Andy Kaufman-lite performance art. If we really wanted to fuck with him, we'd let him stay on the site, but take away his ability to comment and downvote, and limit his queue to one video.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That kind of tautology is not good enough for me. Bring on the fucking robot overlords because I'm losing my faith in collective humanity. I think the purposely set bush fires here is Australia are on my mind too. Different magnitude, same human dysfunction.

>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^dag:
Why do humans need to fuck things up, kick over sand castles - etc?

Because we are humans.

Napalm says...

>> ^dag:
That's not cool - when his social experiment is doing this kind of damage to the Sift, the game is over. I vote ban.

Social Experiment? Fuck that noise. BiilOReily has never been a good member of the sift! Downvote all his videos! Ban him! Right the fuck now!

burdturgler says...

Collective humanity was always shit. Greedy, selfish .. cruel.
It's the minority good of humanity, the ones who protect and rebuild the sand castles, that keep us going.
Don't lose hope. The story isn't finished yet. We need you.

mintbbb says...

>> ^dag:
That kind of tautology is not good enough for me. Bring on the fucking robot overlords because I'm losing my faith in collective humanity. I think the purposely set bush fires here is Australia are on my mind too. Different magnitude, same human dysfunction.
>> ^Farhad2000:
>> ^dag:
Why do humans need to fuck things up, kick over sand castles - etc?

Because we are humans.

It is sad the actions of few will sometimes end up in a catastrophy.. Most people I meet, just in my pathetic barista job are nice, friendly kind. And there are always some who just don't get it..

Some who think THEY are special, or at leats that they'd need special treatment. Who need attention... who bring their drink back 5 times, just because they changed their mind. Not because we made it wrong. But just because they know we'd make it over if they came back and complained. It is not the general human nature.. Something has gone wrong, and they just have to get attention, or lash out, or something..

Lashing out is not the way to do it though! I am sorry, but if you prove to be that volatile and untrustworthy, maybe because 'this is only an online thingy'.. NO! Go away, stay away! I will not trust you to be back! You have issues, well, so do I, and most people. We just don't go around and wreak havoc, or whatever the correct english might be.

Just ban him. Ban him and we never have to worry about HIM any more. God forbid, we might have otrher people with issues.

But just keep in mind: This is not the way to do it. This might be an online community, but we are real people, and we don't want to get hurt! You might not know anybody personally, but you are hurting REAL people with stupid, childish actions.

Maybe you think we are childish to care about something silly like queued videos and subsciptions.. But we do, just like you cared whether you were liked or not.. And believe me, you would have bene liked, like any normal person has you just been NICE!


End of rant for now.. I need sleep, and yes, I did get a drink, or two.. Not that I am feeling that much better.

therealblankman says...

My $0.02... Too many siftquisitions and perma-bans these days. I suggest suspension followed by losin' ALL star points- make him start all over. Bill's being an asshole these days, but he and others(Sniff... miss ya' Choggie!) bring an interesting tangy flavour to the sift and keep it from becoming a market of homogenized opinion.

BillO's troll act can get pretty tiring, but every once in a while... "Hello, my name is BillOreilly. I watch Fox News for the women. My avatar is one of them. I live in Detroit. For fun, I count hookers and crack dealers, divide by 10, and then see if that number means anything on Wikipedia. If it does, I do a google search. If it doesn't, I go back to watching Fox News".

Krupo says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
He obviously wants to be banned, as a dramatic finale to his Andy Kaufman-lite performance art. If we really wanted to fuck with him, we'd let him stay on the site, but take away his ability to comment and downvote, and limit his queue to one video.

Can we do that? Please? It would amuse me greatly.

Forget banning. We need to spay or neuter the trolls.

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
I wonder if he discarded my playlist? Can you do that Lucky? I seriously have no idea how my playlist To Promote was deleted.
It is a sad thing as it was the #1 playlist.

I was going to ask - what happened to the playlist??? Ah... mysterious Om nom nom.

campionidelmondo says...

I think BillO deserves to be banned. However...

... I don't think this should be taken too seriously. By making a big thing out of this incident we are giving him exactly what he always wanted: attention. There will always be people like him in communities like this. Generally that's not a bad thing, because I appreciate people with different opinions/ideas. Although BillO was one of these people, he repeatedly crossed the line into being a troll, trying to grab as much attention as possible.

I also don't think we should be too hard on BillO. He didn't do anything that couldn't be reversed. I don't think he's a bad person at heart, but rather misguided in his attempts to be noticed. The ban is in order, but there's no reason to question humanity because of this or to take his downvotes too personally.

When I noticed that he downvoted my newly queued video I just assumed it was his response to me calling him a big fart. I don't hold it against him and the reason I voted for the ban is due to the whole extend of his actions and his attitude towards this community in general and not because of his downvotes on my videos.

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^dag:
That kind of tautology is not good enough for me. Bring on the fucking robot overlords because I'm losing my faith in collective humanity. I think the purposely set bush fires here is Australia are on my mind too. Different magnitude, same human dysfunction.

Collective humanity has always been a failure when it came to treating your fellow human beings in any decent way. But it is getting better slowly, at least nowadays you don't often get killed getting from one city to another.

The anonymous nature of the internet brings out the best and worst in people.

Sagemind says...

I for one am sad to see someone with so big a personality go.
I don't condone his action and I agree with a ban but…

It makes for a boring Sift if all we do is agree with each other and pat each other's backs. Every story needs and aggressor and although Bill O's aggression was played out by us as fun, it made for some exciting, bust your chops discussions. I always found myself looking for Bill O's comments on each vid because you knew he was going to take a pot shot at ya, somewhere - It was like a pie in the face.

No excuse for malicious behavior!

Like Dag, I'm sorry to see he chose the rout of feeling sorry for himself. I just don't get the human condition sometimes. Sometimes fading away is a better way to go. OR he could have just said Good-Bye and we could have had a party and a send-off with a comments page of thanks.

Ah well... Onward and upward!

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^campionidelmondo:
I think BillO deserves to be banned. However...
... I don't think this should be taken too seriously. By making a big thing out of this incident we are giving him exactly what he always wanted: attention. There will always be people like him in communities like this. Generally that's not a bad thing, because I appreciate people with different opinions/ideas. Although BillO was one of these people, he repeatedly crossed the line into being a troll, trying to grab as much attention as possible.
I also don't think we should be too hard on BillO. He didn't do anything that couldn't be reversed. I don't think he's a bad person at heart, but rather misguided in his attempts to be noticed. The ban is in order, but there's no reason to question humanity because of this or to take his downvotes too personally.
When I noticed that he downvoted my newly queued video I just assumed it was his response to me calling him a big fart. I don't hold it against him and the reason I voted for the ban is due to the whole extend of his actions and his attitude towards this community in general and not because of his downvotes on my videos.

QFT, especially regarding the *attention. As I've said in previous posts, opposition is wonderful, as it causes you to think about issues. And anything that generates thought can't be bad. But only when that opposition is presented thoughtfully, instead of being delivered with illogic and condescension. I much prefer QM over the inane grunts of BO. Time to put this to bed.

gwiz665 says...

Billo is the cancer of videosift and a siftquisition is the fire we use to purge the cancer. I do not vote for his ban for personal reasons, because I never really felt either way about him, but his actions are detrimental to the health of the community of the site. He is obviously suffering from CaptainPlanet's disease and the only solution with this infection is to kill the heretic and burn the mutant.

We didna care for them troublemakers in hiearr. *discord

joedirt says...

At what point does VS implement the automated protections that were suggested at like the dawn of siftquisitions.

After 10 down votes in a row the acct should be locked. Or at least 5 votes per second or whatever. Why not make discard take a power point? At least that limits the damage you can do.

Why is kill or discards not limited to 5 per hour/day?

And I agree, BillO couldn't live with B. Hussein as President.

gorgonheap says...

This seems really out of character for BillORilley. Is it possible his account was abused or hacked by another? I mean yeah people get pissed off at him but his comments have always been in good fun and a parody on extreme right wing politics. I find it hard to believe he'd flip out like this.

NetRunner says...

>> ^gorgonheap:
This seems really out of character for BillORilley. Is it possible his account was abused or hacked by another? I mean yeah people get pissed off at him but his comments have always been in good fun and a parody on extreme right wing politics. I find it hard to believe he'd flip out like this.

Maybe he figured this was the best way to end the act, since people had long since stopped being amused.

Anyone wanna own up to being the puppet master for BillO?

joedirt says...

gordonheap... HE LEFT A GOODBYE sifttalk.. It could have been someone who hacked in and also left snarky sifttalk thread, but I'm assuming the admins checked the IP logs to at least verify it wasn't some odd IP address.

Lodurr says...

Yeah, assuming it wasn't a case of a hacked account, he deserves the ban. Random downvotes is very destructive to Videosift's goals. He was also ruining my video-watching experience by posting first on some rising vids with polarizing political comments. For example, I was enjoying the Russian WTFmart vid until I accidentally read his anti-Obama comment and then I couldn't enjoy it as much.

He was basically a griefer.

swampgirl says...

BillO, what the hell are you doing? Why are so many of you doing shit like this. heh, I'm on another thread trying help banned members return. I CAN SEE WHY MY REQUESTS ARE FALLING ON DEAF EARS.

You know even though you're being a loser right now w/ this childish tantrum, it doesn't change my opinion on my thread. I'd even vote for your return after you've gone off awhile and grown up some first.

You are a worthless contributor now with little redeeming value. I hope you are embarrassed enough though not to ask for a return.

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