Dogs: How does the sift feel about man's purported best friend?

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A total of 56 votes have been cast on this poll.

We know how the sift feels about cats, but how does the sift feel about dogs?
gorillaman says...

If they had more useful jobs to do I could tolerate them. As it stands I don't know why anyone would want to infest their home with such disgusting unhygenic retards. In terms of their societal costs as pets, they're unjustifiably extravagant and really ought to be illegal.

Hybrid says...

Dogs have personality. Cats we have to "give" a personality too - "Oh, he just sort of lays there watching everything, an observer of sorts, scheming away." Wrong. You just have a rubbish, boring cat.

alien_concept says...

I clicked obsessed because I perk up whenever a dog is around, I have nearly had accidents while driving and staring at gorgeous dogs go by and I have dreamt dreams of owning my own dog. I have no room to get two dogs and I'm not in all day so having just one wouldn't be fair. If I could feasibly swap my children for a labradoodle I wouldn't think twice.

Ryjkyj says...

They've been growing on me my whole life. I've always had an intense, innate fear of dogs but the older I get, the more we seem to get along. I think I'll always be a cat person, but my wife and son each have a vote so I'll probably be getting a dog sooner than later.

dannym3141 says...

RIGHT. I'm not talking about crappy little yapping dogs, but here goes!

Dogs love you so much they'll protect you with their life without even hesitating.
Many dogs have great empathy, they know when you're sad and try to cheer you up.
They're hardy and strong so you can take them on adventures (ok, hikes, i'm a big kid)
They understand how to play games and actually do what they're supposed to do ie. fetch.
They are the best animal to play fight with.
They're like a huge hot waterbottle if you let one lie on your bed.
They can be stupid as hell and it's really funny.
They're so clever they can be used to help blind people get around easier.
Their noses are like magic so police and rescuers can use them.
They are great protection against burglars for a house (the right one at least)
They're used for farming, for our food
They can be used to pull us around, as transport
They even work in the military
-snip- allow me to just edit and add that wikipedia's page on dogs around the section on "work" shows just how amazing dogs are better than i could -snip-

Ok i'm boring myself. In a totally normal, non weirdo way; dogs are the best animal on this planet, they're literally made to accompany us.

"a study of conversations in dog-human families showed how family members use the dog as a resource, talking to the dog, or talking through the dog, to mediate their interactions with each other." -- best source ever wikipedia (pokerface)

The case is made. Dogs are awesome. And i didn't once mention cats.

jonny says...

no doubt... spouses are truly horrific.
>> ^gorillaman:

If they had more useful jobs to do I could tolerate them. As it stands I don't know why anyone would want to infest their home with such disgusting unhygenic retards. In terms of their societal costs as pets, they're unjustifiably extravagant and really ought to be illegal.

jonny says...

In case you're wondering... dogs have been hanging out with humans for over 25000 years. Cats have been sponging off us for less than 10000.

If you think humans evolved to where we are without those furry brothers, you would be wrong.

The ability of dogs/wolves to "read" human emotions is unparalleled. Neither apes nor cetaceans nor cats have demonstrated the depth of understanding that dogs have consistently shown for their human companions. Show me a cat that can not only know when an epileptic attack is about to occur, but will alert her friend to it before it happens.

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