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Comments to nibiyabi

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 100 stars, earning you status of Gold-100 Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

RhesusMonk says...

Y'know, I went looking for a reference to cite to show you that with two outs and a runner on, a third strike was an automatic out regardless of whether it was caught. Turns out I was wrong and you were right. Of course there were two outs, that's why the other team in the vid thought the inning was over after the strikeout. And with two outs, it doesn't matter where any runners are. I'm pretty sure I argued on the wrong side of that rule in little league AND in high school--and I'm pretty sure I won at least one of those arguments. (If this msg seems long and needless, it's only cuz I've just finished drinking what now looks like a 2 liter can of Kirin beer, after downing my first of hopefully many rounds of snake blood mixed with booze followed by venom mixed with booze followed by ginseng mixed with booze. Man I love Taipei.)

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
OK, but maybe there were 2 outs? With 2 outs, a dropped third strike is in play no matter what.

RhesusMonk says...

Nah, check out the thumbnail shot. The runner starts the play on first, hence the yellowing of the the base in the little heads up display in the bottom right.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
True, but there was only a runner on second.

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
I'm sure no one will ever see this comment, but there is no dropped third strike if there is a runner on first. I was a catcher for many years and if there's a man on first base, it doesn't matter if the ball rolls into the dugout, it's an out and there is no play to first.

UsesProzac says...

I won't play discuss-return tag with you.

But I still think this video doesn't belong in light of the other video being discarded.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
>> ^UsesProzac:
This really disturbs me. I almost didn't upvote it. If the video of a crash which consequently killed seven people is unacceptable, how is this any better.

It's an uncomfortable video to watch, certainly (which is why I decided not to Sift it a few days ago), but there's no way it breeches any rules (i.e., it's not snuff if no one died).


imstellar28 says...

i'd think so too. but after talking nonstop about human rights, freedom, liberty, etc. for the last two months. in the last two days people assumed i was against gay marriage, and assumed i was against the freedom of speech.

youd think people would know my intentions by now?

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
Sure, but maybe after a couple of said statements, people will just get to know your intentions in general.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
its a bit cumbersome to state my intention in a disclaimer, after everything i say though. don't you think?

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
OK, that's what I suspected. You should make this more clear in the future.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
i'm not just trying to present my views i'm trying to get people to think about their own views.

if i walk around saying what is right, people would just call me "arrogant" or a "know-it-all". my intention was to get people to question their beliefs to find out (for themselves) if they really understand them.

i wasn't trying to "test" people just to show im smarter or to be condescending. the truth is, people are going to interpret what i say based on their own attitude or current state of mind. no matter how i challenge someones views, they can feel slighted by it.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
^OK, I had a feeling you were doing this. I assume this isn't intentional, but when your views are presented in quiz format, they tend to take on an air of condescension and invite angry retorts (as you've probably noticed by now). Stick to presenting your views in a normal, rational way, and people will respect you and listen to you. You have some very interesting ideas, but it's hard to see them through the presentation sometimes.

imstellar28 says...

its a bit cumbersome to state my intention in a disclaimer, after everything i say though. don't you think?

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
OK, that's what I suspected. You should make this more clear in the future.

In reply to this comment by imstellar28:
i'm not just trying to present my views i'm trying to get people to think about their own views.

if i walk around saying what is right, people would just call me "arrogant" or a "know-it-all". my intention was to get people to question their beliefs to find out (for themselves) if they really understand them.

i wasn't trying to "test" people just to show im smarter or to be condescending. the truth is, people are going to interpret what i say based on their own attitude or current state of mind. no matter how i challenge someones views, they can feel slighted by it.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
^OK, I had a feeling you were doing this. I assume this isn't intentional, but when your views are presented in quiz format, they tend to take on an air of condescension and invite angry retorts (as you've probably noticed by now). Stick to presenting your views in a normal, rational way, and people will respect you and listen to you. You have some very interesting ideas, but it's hard to see them through the presentation sometimes.

imstellar28 says...

i'm not just trying to present my views i'm trying to get people to think about their own views.

if i walk around saying what is right, people would just call me "arrogant" or a "know-it-all". my intention was to get people to question their beliefs to find out (for themselves) if they really understand them.

i wasn't trying to "test" people just to show im smarter or to be condescending. the truth is, people are going to interpret what i say based on their own attitude or current state of mind. no matter how i challenge someones views, they can feel slighted by it.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
^OK, I had a feeling you were doing this. I assume this isn't intentional, but when your views are presented in quiz format, they tend to take on an air of condescension and invite angry retorts (as you've probably noticed by now). Stick to presenting your views in a normal, rational way, and people will respect you and listen to you. You have some very interesting ideas, but it's hard to see them through the presentation sometimes.

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