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Member Since: December 13, 2006
Last Power Points used: February 6, 2010
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Comments to nibiyabi

alien_concept says...

Going through my comments to try find old vids to upvote I came across this. And yeah I care to explain

All I meant was that it's obviously their choice if they want to go and try and be "cured".

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
>> ^alien_concept:
What the fucking hell are they still allowed to get away with this for. Makes my blood boil!! It's a choice thing obviously, but still

. . . care to explain how this is "obviously" a "choice thing"?

lucky760 says...

I made you charter, but I can't control the subscription billing stuff. For that go into your PayPal account and you should be able to cancel the subscription.


In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
FYI, lost my charter. Could you reinstate me not as a subscription but at an as-I-see-fit? As a college student funds are short and reinstating charter happens infrequently enough that I could easily accidentally go in the negative with my checking account if I'm not careful.

gwiz665 says...

hehe, no worries, I was just teasing, because one guy on our team was convinced you guys cheated to get through some place.

In reply to this comment by nibiyabi:
No way man. Never cheated in my life -- the boomer is really loud and I have a rather good speaker setup so I can localize sounds quite well. Try hiding in narrow passageways and such or try to ambush from above. A boomer out in the open is rather ineffective.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on improving your rank. You are now ranked #93. You have left user laura in your dust. Keep up the good work!

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