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Member Since: May 16, 2006
Last Power Points used: July 24, 2009
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Comments to mauz15

fissionchips says...

Glad to see you back Sifting again! I'm having fun going through your old posts right now. I'm happy to see Kaku's Time series here. When it first aired they weren't available online.

NicoleBee says...

Thank you very much for posting your 'Power of Art' submissions. The Neanderthal episode. The human body. These series are -incredibly- engrossing. I wish more sifters out there would give the time needed to review long stuff like this, because these are the videos that should be ranked among the best on this site.

jonny says...

Too true about sifting the sift. As for votes being meaningless, well, yes and no. I mean, they don't correlate with quality (I'm not sure they ever did), but it is how the system works. In other words, if a video doesn't get votes, it doesn't get seen, even by the people that might be interested in it. So it just seems like an exercise in futility sometimes to post things that won't be seen. But you're right - if someone finds it and appreciates, it is worth it.

On a side note, you may want to check out this huge collection of online videos for endless interesting viewing.

Oh, and I was wrong about kulpims' post - it was the fourth episode of six.

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
No problem =] Is kind of sad that we have to videosift the site called videosift for good videos. This was not a problem at the beginning

I have not seen the other episodes, but I was planning to see them and possibly complete the series here on videosift. Honestly I gave up hoping good long videos get enough views. I will post them and search for them around here anyways.

As long as someone else ends up liking them, I am satisfied. Votes are kind of meaningless now.

It would be nice if we can complete the series, but I see what you are saying and if you dont wish to post another one because views or things like that, just letting you know that I will be glad to do so.

In reply to this comment by jonny:
Thanks for that trip through my pqueue.

Have you seen the other episodes of "Brain Story"? Kulpims posted the first episode and the others are out on google video. I've been meaning to post another one, but these long interesting documentaries on science and philosophy don't tend to get viewed much here.

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