lucky760 US

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A little about me...
I joined VideoSift as IT Director / Software Architect / Systems Administrator in mid-2006. It has been my online home away from home ever since.

In 2006 I coined the acronym LMFAHS. You should tag all your funny videos with it. LMFAHS in meatspace.

In 2008 I coined the term Escalopter to describe a person rotating like a helicopter blade on escalator handrails. |

Member Since: May 2, 2006
Favorite Sift: Sushi: The Japanese Tradition.
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Last Power Points used: April 24, 2012
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Comments to lucky760

siftbot says...

Your video, Dance Monkey, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.

newtboy says...

Thanks for the kind words and the promote.
Yes, I remember the wrestling episode. Good times.

lucky760 said:

You are a god, @newtboy.

I LOVE that you remember the things that I remember.

I recently shared this video with some people in their 20s and their blank stares and "wtf is this" responses made me so sad. (I also shared with them the "Fish Heads" music video from the 80s.)

In addition to this bit and so many others, the Mad Dog Hoek episode is one I remember frequently. I wonder if you remember that as well.

"I wanna holler the loud funny words."


siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 42 Badge!

newtboy says...

Yes, that seemed like seriously uncatlike behavior to me.

lucky760 said:

That's phenomenal. Seriously.

It does seem clear it was the feline's intent to protect the kid from self-injury... kind of shockingly amazing to my eyes.



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