joedirt US

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Channel: Elections
Birthdate: January 5th, 1970 (55 years old)

Member Since: June 18, 2006
Last Power Points used: September 5, 2012
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Comments to joedirt

GoodAttorney says...

I haven't met one of your -1 comments that I haven't upvoted.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
you guys are evil sickos. You think any of those women used Dove products?

Why allow them to spread their ads claiming they can influence anyone's skin or heatlth.

Hello??!! PRO*AGE didn't EXIST until now, so how the fuck did these women use it and get so perfect skin?

Let me guess they used it once and then it worked so well they put it on TV?! Bravo mindless drones, let's spread more crappy advertising FOR sham and hustlers. Make everyone have to look at shitty ads!

Payback says...

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
>> ^Payback:
Complete utter bullshit. Was a poor attempt at even faking it. The driver was wearing cowboy boots, ffs.

You are an idiot. The driver is not wearing cowboy boots.

The car is clearly a govt car of some sort, notice the window vent thing is only for the back seat, and the stubby radio antenna on the trunk.

I guarantee this is real and your only criticism is "not wearing hats" and the different uniforms. It could be Pittsburgh cops who are also Natl Guard that had some special detail. It could also be "undercover" cops that decided national-guard-like might be more tolerated then a plain clothes cop.

It's not staged, you can see riot cops in the first part of the video snatching someone else, and how did the car drive through police like that and the video is crawling with cops and national guard looking people.

Meh, go fuck yourself. You lose me giving a shit what you say with your opening statement.

therealblankman says...


In reply to this comment by joedirt:
lol.. hold your fingers to block out the table leg that cuts across the legs.

You'll see the leg clearly isn't possible in anyway. The lower leg is about the size of the forearm. But the upper leg is, well, mutant. Go measure it...

Seriously, go measure with your finger or post-it or ruler. It's clearly a mutant or a faked video.

To those doubters, go kick your self in the butt. You'll see where the lower leg is relative to upper. Now go watch the video again and tell me this wasn't video shopped.

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