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A little about me...
"if I could" I would like to beat up defenseless women. It's not a threat, It's just a fantasy of mine.

Member Since: April 28, 2010
Last Power Points used: July 16, 2011
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Comments to VoodooV

eric3579 says...

I will if you can point me to the fix

VoodooV said:

Would someone fix the embed on the related video. I would do it myself..but I is not rated high enough yet *related=http://videosift.com/video/History-of-Earth-For-Creationists-and-some-Rednecks

siftbot says...

You just received a gift of 2 Power Points from an anonymous meatbag. Spend them well, and make your generous benefactor proud.

dannym3141 says...

Don't worry about it, i don't know much about american politics. In fact, i don't know a great deal about politics, i've just been around long enough to see that all politicians want the same thing - to be more powerful/richer politicians. I just don't think they represent people any more. If i knew how to make people care or how to fix it, i would.

I have this horrible feeling especially in my country that there's some sort of status quo whereby generation after generation has been raised with this silent but certain belief that politicians are above reproach - they can't possibly be keeping us placid with lies about what their true aims are whilst furthering their own interests. But why should this era be any different to past eras where that sort of thing was commonplace? Because we have "society" and "civilisation" now?

Check that picture i linked. It's perverse, it's obvious, it's absolutely terrifying to think that they are the people in charge and what they care about most is what they get paid. I can't think of anyone i'd want less to be in charge of my future than that. Most of the people in the bottom picture were born into the right circles to get where they got.

Democracy was a great idea, but not in the form we have it. It isn't democratic anymore, and it needs a radical overhaul or i think we're going to be milked like cows for as long as the illusion holds. We're being milked now - the balance of wealth continues to fall out of balance, the big money organisations and corporations buy the guy in charge and as long as it's done in a certain way it's considered "legal" despite we know it's immoral, the masses get their news from TV and newspapers which are often owned by or have identical interests to the same people who own the politicians. Everyone seems to see it happening but no one seems to connect the dots.

The only people who benefit from instigating democratic change like we need are the people, and the people don't seem interested. I don't mean to sound like a tinfoil hatter, but i can only call things as i see them. And sorry for walloftext, i was pretty much pontificating there.

VoodooV said:

sorry, but choggie's derailed yet another sift, so I won't be participating

shagen454 says...

Yeah, they were working on it in the 70's but I believe it was scrapped as the budget was too ridiculous. This is the upcoming documentary about it.

VoodooV said:

Ok, so this movie didn't actually get made right? It's a documentary about a movie that could have been made right?

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