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A little about me...
Member Since: September 5, 2007
Homepage: http://throbbinsnest.blogspot.com/
Favorite Sift: Party & Bullshit - Biggie Smalls (Ratatat Remix)
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Last Power Points used: September 29, 2011
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
I've moved back up to Nunavut, where I analyze policy for The Man. I'll drop by from time to time.
Member Since: September 5, 2007
Homepage: http://throbbinsnest.blogspot.com/
Favorite Sift: Party & Bullshit - Biggie Smalls (Ratatat Remix)
Favorite Tags:
Last Power Points used: September 29, 2011
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Check it out, dude. I thought this was pretty cool when I found it. They're called Easystars Allstars and they do reggae covers of Radiohead songs.
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newest collaboration.posted on facebook but you aint there soooooooo
If you wanna do the jambalya, you need kitchen chemistry 101, and about 8 hrs to kill-The spring rolls are relatively easy...send me an email when ya get ready to give it a go, and I'll give you detailed instructions. [email redacted]
In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
I see. Ima have to try cooking with you vid sometime.
In reply to this comment by choggie:
Beerfest is a great flick......learned to cook by hanging out in the kitchen with a huge Italian family...the men were racist redneck pricks, the women talked better shit and had skirts to look up and titties that jiggled....so, i spent my time in the kitchen helping the ladies and lusting after cousins....
Beerfest is a great flick......learned to cook by hanging out in the kitchen with a huge Italian family...the men were racist redneck pricks, the women talked better shit and had skirts to look up and titties that jiggled....so, i spent my time in the kitchen helping the ladies and lusting after cousins....
Haha... Throbbin, can I ask where your avatar is from?
In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Enoch - bravo!
We need more teachers like Enoch. The robots might as well go work in a factory somewhere.
thanks man!
i am not the smartest man nor the most educated,in fact i was a horrible student.i fell into teaching late in life and found a genuine passion for it.
i taught comparative religions for two years but as i have told others,this was an elective class for adults.
when the alternative school for teens lost funding i went into the public school system at the behest of dr carlos.
i loved it the first day.
to teach adults is one thing but to have so many young minds ready to be jump started is a whole new arena and i was excited!
i lasted 6 maybe 7 weeks in that school.
not due to the kids..they were GREAT.
it was the other teachers and the administrators who had a problem with me.
not with my kids test scores,nor their assignments.
it was due to the fact that i was not following the precise dictates of NCLB and how i was expected to deliver that curriculum.
my argument was that if my students were doing well on the mandatory quizzes,which is a crucial to federal funding,who CARES how i taught them?
the school board took issue with,what they called "my attitude".
i was told i needed to grade my kids notebooks...i refused,because it has no bearing on what they have learned and is irrelevant.
i was told i could not grade them on participation...i argued that is crucially more vital than a notebook.
i was written up three times for supposed "prejudicial teaching practices",which was only my strategy in getting a lazy thinker to stop being lazy.
what i was doing is the first 20 minutes of the period i would have the class discuss how a historical event could be related to a current event.(my way of interjecting civics).
if a student regurgitated a textbook answer i knew he/she was trying to slip by with only rudimentary understanding of what we were covering.
so i would hammer that student the entire period and make an example of that student.
embarrassing? maybe
uncomfortable?most likely
will they come to my class ill prepared again?
never in a million years.
i also got into trouble for adding three bonus questions on every quiz that were worth 10%.
they were essay questions that i wanted in the students own words.
this was more for the kids that maybe didnt take tests well and i gave an opportunity to reveal that they did have a nominal understanding of the material and hence could bolster their grade a tad.
i also graded on participation.
if you did well on tests but didnt interact with the class i counted that against you.
that got me into some hot water also.
the school system was not looking for a teacher but a warm body to take attendance.
not for that kind of money or any amount of money.
now i tutor my friends kids when they need it.
of course i dont get paid but thats not what is important.
what IS important is to get these kids excited and curious.to become passionate about learning.
that, in itself, is a pretty big bonus in my book.
till next time.
Thanks, bro.
>> ^Throbbin:
thanks, man
In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Hehe I know. I was kidding too. I think that part in Snatch is hilarious.
In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
>> ^Farhad2000:
As an Uzbek am deeply offended.
>> ^Throbbin:
Sneaky fuckin Uzbekistani.
Really? Sry bro. Was just trying to carry on with the 'Snatch' theme.
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