Terence McKenna on the impact of culture on our lives.
Taken from a lecture called "Psychedelics In The Age Of Intelligent Machines" (27 April 1999 - Seattle)

I remember when I used to create artwork for punk, indie & rock acts and the guy that sat across from me used to play electronica with Mckenna talking over it. I heard it a lot and for years I thought he was annoying & insane [both Mckenna and the kid that sat across from me lol), yapping about drugs and aliens... it seemed absolutely absurd.

... Almost a decade later I took a couple of puffs of the real magical adventure and I've listened to Mckenna probably a few times a week for years

Those puffs of the real magic dragon, the real genie in the bottle, the real portal to other dimensions will make a person sensitive to petty monkey human judgements and though I have forgiven myself for being judgemental of Mckenna, I will always remember that I had been. Be gone monkey judgements!


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