this was super interesting.seems many mental health issues may come down to the food we consume and the fad diets may be far more harmful than originally suspected.vegans will NOT like what this doctor has to say.
from vimeo:
ABSTRACT: Learn about the myth of “the mind-body connection” and how diet can powerfully impact mental health and cognitive performance, including a discussion of strategies for improving memory and cognitive function at any age using "Primal principles" and how to slow (maybe even reverse) the process of brain aging. We’ll also address common issues like chronic anxiety, depression and ADD/ADHD, what modern day mechanisms might be at play and how a Primal diet and certain added nutrients can better address mental, emotional and cognitive issues. Few individuals seem to make the connection between physical and mental health. As long as one is able to find ones self above ground in the morning, get up out of bed and power through a work day it is commonly assumed that one is healthy. Being thin and active in most people’s minds is tantamount to good health (or just not being “sick”), even while the same person may also suffer anxiety related issues, depression or have trouble mentally focusing at work or at school. We all see the world through the lens that is our blood sugar (the extent to which one might be dependent on this), our hormones and neurotransmitters and yet forget that it is our diets that must entirely supply the raw nutrients needed for these critically influential physiological catalysts. Mental health issues and cognitive challenges are nearly ubiquitous today. According to the work of respected nutritional pioneers such as Weston Price these same mental and brain health issues were nearly unheard of in many primitive and traditional societies consuming a diet consistent with that of our more distant evolutionary ancestors. Modern research findings offer added understanding and a new layer to ancestral dietary principles that can lead us toward the promise of optimal brain functioning, emotional liberation and the cultivation of a potentially ageless mind. By applying many of these “Paleo” principles today and modifying them to our more modern circumstances we can re-cultivate and improve upon the healthy Primal Mind that is our birthright and the key to our future as a species.
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berticusi'm very sorry, i don't have time to watch this right now, so i can't comment on the content. i'm also not very knowledgable about the effects of diet on mental health -- apart from a few scattered bits and pieces.
i will say that i was at a conference recently that had a symposium on diet and cognitive functioning. everyone seems to be latching on to the mediterranean diet right now. attenuates cognitive decline in the elderly, staves off heart disease, etc... all good stuff.
other than that, about the only other thing i know about diet and cognition is that fish oil is very good for your brain!
gharkThanks for sharing that. While I don't really like how she delves into a few scare tactics and also pushes that lab testing her dietary approach is pretty much an exact match to mine. It certainly makes sense and it would solve a lot of problems if more people adopted this kind of diet.
chicchoreaDamn GIGO rearing its ugly head...more spresso.
Going to be tasting fish all day again. Pass the twigs and leaves please.
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, August 21st, 2011 12:26pm PDT - promote requested by chicchorea.
LawdeedawThat's what I said!
gargoylesays...not "siliac" in the tags, but "celiac"
enoch>> ^gargoyle:
not "siliac" in the tags, but "celiac"
thanks for pantsing me in public.
very awesome of you!
gargoylesays...Sorry Enoch -- the editor in me took over. Great sift - loved it.
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