lil' George plays with his Toy Soldiers


poor qm, poor joe, wars are waged under protest by the majority of the people, in any given country, on any given day....and if they are not fought with bodies, they are waged with rhetoric, politics, and diversion.....
This qualifies on both fronts, seems the flesh and blood sends the message home more emphatically.

Like Smokey the Bear said, "Only YOU, can prevent forest fires!"

The next regime of idiots will further the same.....
the paradigm must be altered, not remedied and revised...Replaced.

When that happens then shiny, happy, pretty everything!!!Yaaaaay!

Who makes war??? The George Insect Bushes of the world???....
No, they just put on the show....Poof!

Perhaps ya'll both eat more purple mushrooms at equinoxs' and solstices.....


"Code Pink"

* is the group that championed military deserters
* cheered Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez
* traipsed around the Jordan-Iraq border last year condemning America
* prayed for the "people of Fallujah"
* doled out $600,000 in aid to what they called "the other side" (terrorists killing U.S. Troops)
* was founded by Medea Benjamin, a communist considered to be a chief organizing force behind the 1999 Seattle riots that caused millions of dollars worth of senseless destruction
* hides its true beliefs, just like modern-day liberals hide what they really stand for, until (foolishly) elected

Liberals own defeat. They want America to lose this war, to be humiliated.

Their reasons for FEELING this way are varied: IMO it's an admixutre of callow rebel posturing, idolizing Hollywood dumbasses, ignorance of history and in America, 12+ years of liberal propaganda in government-run socialist schools.

The only reason more people aren't outraged by the moonbats is they can't or won't believe fellow Americans would think or act against their own country, hoping for its defeat against islamofascist thugs or whomever else.

If you want to know which ideology treats people like toys to be thrown away, to the tune of 100 million murdered, google communism.


You are so hilariously ignorant.. you must be faking it.. channeling Colbert or something. Are those your "facts" that you feel from your stomach?

You know who did fund Taliban and Hussein and just about every terrorist group you can imagine?

Did you know Chavez may be one of the last freely elected leaders of democracies in the Americas? You think Mexico had an honest election? Will the US ever again?

I think you are the last chickenhawk holding out to this "islamofascist" rhetoric. Dude, enlist already, go to Iraq, if you can ever get out do it and become a hired contractor over there and make mad $$$. Otherwise, shut your chicken hawk pie hole.

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