iPad Typing Test

From YT: IGN Editors Matt Cassamassina and Scott Lowe time how fast it takes to type on a Macbook Pro vs. the iPad.

The one question everyone wants *answered*. Not "that everyone wants to know".

And he has *literary* prowess. Not "literal" prowess.

More and more these days, it seems even editors aren't really trying to make sense or understand what the fuck they're saying.

Finally, this guy can't fucking type. Maybe find someone who can type for your typing test, jerkoff pricks.


>> ^budzos:

The one question everyone wants answered . Not "that everyone wants to know".
And he has literary prowess. Not "literal" prowess.
More and more these days, it seems even editors aren't really trying to make sense or understand what the fuck they're saying.
Finally, this guy can't fucking type. Maybe find someone who can type for your typing test, jerkoff pricks.

His typing seems above-average and certainly better than most people. What they're trying to get across is real world usage. Getting an expert typist would be of no real relevance.

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