I Am The Anti-Pope (Zladko "Zlad!" Vladcik!) Cheap Video!!!

after Elektronik -- Supersonik... Come this...Opus. Seriously entertaining! As one youtube comment accurately describes this and Borat + Techno = Zlad!

For the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev, Ukraine, Zlad! was squashed when his entry "I Am The Anti-Pope" was disqualified due to the satanic nature of its content. Zlad! has since defended the song as "a light-hearted ballad recounting the short reign of little-known Beelzebub the First", who apparently was the first Pope to be "crucifixed at the stake". The song was considerably less popular than its predecessor. At the end of the song is a sentence in reverse. When playing back you hear the hidden message: "Kneel before Zladko the goat!"

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