Zinn: Three Holy Wars That Cannot Be Criticized


maby this onyl aplie sin usa its not the case in uk , not with a number of people i know. its gneraly acepted that killing people is not constructive howevr justified it might seem


>> ^westy:
maby this onyl aplie sin usa its not the case in uk , not with a number of people i know. its gneraly acepted that killing people is not constructive howevr justified it might seem

Wonderful speech. While I would agree the US is guilty on all counts, it does not stand alone by any means in the field.

UK (Tony Blair and gang) went into Iraq, giving the US their total support in that sham of a war. The UK had, and is currently involved in many joint US operations (some overt, most covert). Far more than most of us even realize.

To claim the UK is innocent of global domineering activities is incorrect. Lest we forget British history within past centuries. Occupation of India, Africa, Australia, and elsewhere during the colonial era. The number of non-conformist 'heathens', non-Christian 'natives', the 'uncivilized' if you will... who died for standing up to those who wished to exploit them for their resources... their slave labor. All for the benefit of the 'mother land'. Human capital expended for the benefit of the very few 'well to do'.

I for one would counter, that the UK proved to be a strong example for other strong, domineering nations to follow. Beyond the invasionary, exploitation mentality of the Roman Empire.. the UK is a strong contender for top prize. Taking into account all factors, extent of the empire, wealth taken, percent of resultant dead per population.

The cards are now in the hands of the USA. The question we should be asking is.. will the USA abuse that power, or use it wisely?

To think the US will maintain it's superiority indefinitely is completely naive. All great empires eventually end are are superceded by another. The USA has existed mere centuries. The Roman empire thousands of years.

For a bit of a play on words. A flame that burns too brightly will not burn as long. While I do believe the USA at it's core is good intentioned, it is those in power who have sway. How they exercise that power is what matters. So far, I have not seen much to change the path we are on.

We need to stop being shortsighted, and see the greater picture. As Howard Zinn stated. "Who Benefits?". It is a simple question... often with a very easy answer. Oil my friends. Iraq is all about Oil. Not 'good intentions'.


honkeytonk73, you noggins the initial part where he is on about the inability to criticize previous wars. British people are generally fairly critical of war and pessimistic and general hate everything the government dose. old and new.

How do you reed what i put and say that i am calming the UK is not guilty of being retarded on the global stage?

the point is its openly talked about in public in the UK in the government it might be taboo but im not in the government to know that. a good example with how critical the cavialn population of uk is against government in uk been retarded is the amount of protesting that took place before the golf war 2.

manny people are opanly critical of the needless shit we did in ww2 and 1. and other crap england has done. the piont is not wether we have done shit ore not its weathor ore not its taboo to talk about the shit,.

usa has a far grater problem of patriotism where its unpatriotic to criticize war or it would be unpatreotic to not have flags all over the place. in uk most people couldn't give a shit about flags and are hardly proud of britain thay just see it as a place thay happen to be living in at a point in time. and this is also the view of many Europeans. still as i say uk has done more than its fair shaire of shit to the world the piont is a good proportion of people in england know this and are not proud of it. where as in usa people are largely ignorant to the countries foghen policy.

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