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You are a Pirate! RAUNCHYY!!

First go watch this:

Then come back and view this one! It's Lazytown's You are a Pirate.

It's with the funny and raunchy-ness. Anyways, it made me laugh so I figured I'd post it.

Spreading around the internet makes something viral? Then everything on the internet is viral!

Would you mark all the family guy clips that come through here as viral? Futurama? Those Mentos and soda clips?


viral - clever commercials promoting a product or service designed to proliferate a marketing campaign through entertaining video

Is this a commercial directly? No. OK, is it meant to advertise something although not directly so? It could be advertising LazyTown, sure. But LazyTown is a show for kids, and something tells me "Cock" in your viral video is not something you'd want to throw in in order to gain an appreciative audience of parents and children.

No offense, but I totally disagree with you on this. Otherwise, you are very cool and whatnot.


In addition to viral marketing campaigns, I feel viral also applies to true viral videos. Stupid hamster dance that spreads around on the basis of it's viral feel. SWK or numa numa is not viral in your mind?


No, because I view viral as marketing campaign specific. I do see how you might think that, but my definition of viral is inline with videosift's, as I posted above.

In fact, I think the line drawn on viral should be at the commercial level, because if it isn't, then we'd have to start marking almost everything as viral.


In fact, going to Wikipedia's page on viral video: You will see a definition which agrees with you. However, if you go down farther, you'll see a list of "Notable Viral Video Sites". Notice something about that list? It's a superset of the list of sites that videosift sifts from.

All this said, however, I'm leaving on the tag since you're like 10 times my rank here and have been here longer. I wouldn't mind bringing this up in Sift Talk though, as it's been bothering me as of late. I just don't want to take advantage of the Talk post issue and I'm not sure if this really deserves discussion, or if it's just me.

Edit: Oooh, I see the new quality action, so I guess I can feel more free to post things on Talk. Awesome.


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Friday 2nd March 2007 (promotion called by gold star member bizinichi)


This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by Norsuelefantti.

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