"The “World Sauna Championships” in the Finnish city of Heinola came to a tragic end on Saturday evening when one of the finalists, a Russian man, died in the end stages of the competition. He was competing against a Finnish man who was hospitalised.
The participants were competing over who could endure in the heat of the sauna the longest.
The tragic events of Saturday evening began to unfold when the final in the competition had been going on for six minutes, at which point both finalists went unconscious.
The Russian finalist died. The Finn was taken to hospital in Helsinki.
In the final, the contestants sat in a sauna that was heated to 110 degrees Celsius. Participants in the competition were required to submit to a medical examination, and during the competition they were asked at regular intervals if they were all right.
Organisers insist that safety precautions were followed. The competition was stopped as soon as it was noticed that something was wrong. Police are investigating the events.
Before the final, the Finnish finalist described the conditions as extremely hot.
“These have been damn hot saunas, and now the hottest is coming. After being in the sauna twice, my eyelids are red and my fingers have blisters. But I’m going in there again, gritting my teeth,” said finalist Timo Kaukonen.
However, even though the exact cause of death remains unknown, the organisers have said that no more such competitions would be held."
-Big ups to marinara for support on this post!
marinarajust like mine.
AeroMechanicalsays...Aw, I missed it. Hopefully I'm still in time to register for the poison-drinking and repeated-blows-to-the-head contests.
DeanoWhy on earth (yes there's a rant coming up) do people hold stupid competitions like this? I don't mind the cup stacking, grocery-bagging waste of times, but subjecting idiots to something that could kill them? The gall of the organisers is staggering. They better get a good lawyer.
PsychologicSo air hotter than boiling water can kill people?
Oh well, live and learn (where applicable).
NorsuelefanttiI believe the real lesson of the story is:
Don't challenge a finn to a sauna contest.
ponceleonSo literally they got cooked?
I can't help but to wonder if it smelled like cooked meat...
(Hannibal Lecter shlurping sound)
jwrayThis is an idiotic sport, just boxing and MMA.
It's like
Let's see who can get cooked the most before collapsing and nearly dying!
Let's see who can sustain the most brain damage before getting knocked out!
Let's see who can drink the most lead and arsenic without dying!
Might as well have a championship for playing chicken on the highway. It's fucking insane.
toferyusays...ROFL !
>> ^Norsuelefantti:
I believe the real lesson of the story is:
Don't challenge a finn to a sauna contest.
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