Withdrawal from anti-depressants

Exposes drug company's failure to disclose symptoms associated with withdrawal of Paxil. Users talk about electric shock-like pain in the back of their head. Drug companies call it discontinuation syndrome.

I've had most every drug around, and SSRIs take the cake.

Kicking heroin, nicotine, alcohol, benzos (valium)... they can be pretty bad, but even the horribly taboo heroin is just a "really bad flu" for a while.

SSRIs gave me the worst headaches, messed up vision and balance, all kinds of bad stress and mental mess... they are by far the worst withdrawl I've ever had.

But... they are considered "non-addictive" because they don't touch dopamine. What idiocy.

Oh... anybody stopping SSRIs should switch to prosac - the 9.4 day halflife makes for a MUCH smoother withdrawl.


I've been on Zoloft, Effexor, and Luvox. The withdrawals actually weren't bad for me (and I stopped cold turkey...not lowering the dose over a week).

The only thing that bothered me were the tingling/electric shock sensation that radiates from the back of the head down the spine and towards the limbs everytime I got up to move or walk. It wasn't painful...just a skin crawling type sensation.


you're lucky, Roofles. It seems to vary a lot from person to person.

One thing that gets me about these things is they do have useful, good effects, but the random horrible side effects make them rather questionable.

Oh... one thing I just remembered, for the physics buffs around here: paxil apparently has the problem of being a disappearing polymorph, where the introduction of the hemihydrate form converted all of the older anhydrous forms, Ice-9 style.

The scientist in me worries about what other permanent changes happened to the brain (or other things) from these drugs. Kindof like how mad cow/CJD catalyzes a protein to convert out of a an astable-minimum. That would be a rather new and frightening idea in drug research/use...

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