Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding! Cameras!
YT: Last week a curious fox found and then ran off with (and seriously injured) my gopro.
The story: I went to Round Island, Alaska, to film wildlife with the University of Alaska Anchorage. My friends were photographing and filming sea lions when I spotted this fox come along. So I stupidly put my gopro on the ground in hopes of getting a close-up. When the fox ran off, I thought I'd never see my camera again. For about 8 minutes we looked for it, then there it was! It turns on and records, but the lens is messed up and I'll need to have it repaired. I'm glad the fox itself didn't get hurt or swallow anything that could have harmed it.
Thanks to my friends who were there with me: Travis Rector, Paola Banchero, Adrienne Lindholm, and Henry & Leslie Need.
1 Comment
PaybackThat'll teach ya to do closeups of bacon frying before heading out for the day.
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