Watching 'Game Of Thrones' With Non-Book Readers

The only thing better than watching "Game Of Thrones" is watching people watch "Game Of Thrones."

I think all book readers do this. I tend to watch the show communally and as the only book reader I try to keep a stone face while also getting great joy of of the reaction of my friends and SO.

I also recommend the episode reviews by TYT's sister channel Whattheflick. Cenk and the gang talk about the episode and try and guess future events while one or two book-readers present do their utmost to not reveal anything through body language. It's always fun to see the show from the perspective of people who don't generally know everything that's coming. Though, S5 is supposed to have more scenes that are only hinted at or spoken of in the books. So that'll be sweet.

That is so long as they don't take out super important, character-altering stuff like.. oh I don't know... the truth about Tysha! Grumble.. grumble.

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