Watch *blocked videos

This video is a guide to watching US only shows outside of the US. It seems to work for Youtube and Comedy Central, unfortunatly Hulu doesn't fall for these tricks but at least I can watch the Daily Show now.

>> ^Ti_Moth:

>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
What about those who don't use Firefox?

You are to be sent to the re-education camps...

Why? I prefer Mozilla's SeaMonkey web browser.

Why? WHY!? There is no reason to my silliness . Is sea monkey not compatible with firefox addons then?

Not directly. Addons need to support SM2.


>> ^ant:

>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
What about those who don't use Firefox?

You are to be sent to the re-education camps...

Why? I prefer Mozilla's SeaMonkey web browser.

Why? WHY!? There is no reason to my silliness . Is sea monkey not compatible with firefox addons then?

Not directly. Addons need to support SM2.

Try this addon instead and then follow the instructions on the video as usual


>> ^Ti_Moth:

>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
What about those who don't use Firefox?

You are to be sent to the re-education camps...

Why? I prefer Mozilla's SeaMonkey web browser.

Why? WHY!? There is no reason to my silliness . Is sea monkey not compatible with firefox addons then?

Not directly. Addons need to support SM2.

Try this addon instead and then follow the instructions on the video as usual

Ah thanks. I just realized this is for foreign people who want American videos. Oops.


>> ^ant:

>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
What about those who don't use Firefox?

You are to be sent to the re-education camps...

Why? I prefer Mozilla's SeaMonkey web browser.

Why? WHY!? There is no reason to my silliness . Is sea monkey not compatible with firefox addons then?

Not directly. Addons need to support SM2.

Try this addon instead and then follow the instructions on the video as usual

Ah thanks. I just realized this is for foreign people who want American videos. Oops.

If you add instead of the number suggested in the video then I have been lead to beleive that you can watch videos for the UK, it doesn't work for the bbc but it should work with youtube and the ITV player.


>> ^Ti_Moth:

>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
>> ^Ti_Moth:
>> ^ant:
What about those who don't use Firefox?

You are to be sent to the re-education camps...

Why? I prefer Mozilla's SeaMonkey web browser.

Why? WHY!? There is no reason to my silliness . Is sea monkey not compatible with firefox addons then?

Not directly. Addons need to support SM2.

Try this addon instead and then follow the instructions on the video as usual

Ah thanks. I just realized this is for foreign people who want American videos. Oops.

If you add instead of the number suggested in the video then I have been lead to beleive that you can watch videos for the UK, it doesn't work for the bbc but it should work with youtube and the ITV player.

Rats. I want BBC.

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