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WTC 7 Implosion

September 11th, 2001

Seems to me the penthouse caused a chain reaction with the building falling in on itself. Code in the united states requires that buildings over 3 stories high be able to collapse in on themselves so as not to damage, or to minimize damage to surrounding structures.

I don't see the explosion, I see the weight of the building compounding and taking out the interior supports. Controlled demolitions are a bit more subtle and faster.


Oh, explosive energy creates hot dust clouds rising like a volcanic eruption. I'm glad they take the time to verse us morons in physics. I was unaware the only possible way a dust cloud could arise from a fallen burning building was from explosives. That makes perfect sense.


Sorry, chogster, but I must wield the downvote. After six years, I find myself utterly unable to tolerate/entertain videos proliferating this idiocy any longer.

Just a point further about real, planned implosions. If you watch any of the following, for example:
it's very obvous that for any intentional explosive-driven implosion there is a series of extremely loud bangs from each set of explosives being detonated sequentially. You know, I even feel stupid even arguing the point because it's such a ridiculous argument to begin with... Ahh, forget it! I'm outta here. I wash my hands of this but good.


Oh, right. The genious hypothesis that throngs of secret government ninjas repeatedly infiltrated the two towers and apparently 7WT dressed as UPS delivery boys for months and perhaps years on end before 9/11/01 planting these so-called "much more advanced" military bombs that explode without actually generate any sound, yet are capable of collapsing a building. But wait, call me stupid but anything that explodes causes noise as a result of the compression of sound waves spreading out from the source. So, the military must have even more advanced technologies than we conspiracy theorists were aware!

Perhaps they are so advanced they no longer even need bombs. Perhaps there were invisible laser beams being fired from a distance. Or is more likely that they government has simply developed termites with diamond teeth and an appetite for metal and they were simultaneously all released from their well-hidden hibernation tubes located on each floor right near the appropriate support beams within the walls? And of course since these much more advanced termites have been in hibernation for years, they had quite the appetite and they powered through the building so quickly that dust and smoke started pouring out which is why people mistakenly believe there was a fire in the building. Then I guess to leave no evidence behind, they must have had jet-packs attached so when the building came down they were able to fly away hidden in the clouds of smoke only to be captured later and assassinated alongside all the secret govnernment ninjas so they could never reveal in what they had participated.

Maybe the ninjas in fact delivered newborn babies into the walls of the buildings on every floor 10 years ago with a decade worth of foodstuffs and a How-To manual for the included welding kit they would instinctively know to break open on the morning of 9/11. Hmm, but they'd need to use the bathroom and might die of boredom... Perhaps they were really robots with advanced military laser beams that cut through all the major supports for the building.

Oh, but wait, the video that dictates what I'm supposed to believe says from "explosive energy" that caused the "hot dust clouds." Looks like I'm back at square one...

Help me out here. There are just so many very plausible, believable, realistic theories that it's hard to determine with which one I should embarass myself by announcing my enormous gullibility to the world.

Or wait, maybe gorgonheap has a point: Code in the united states requires that buildings over 3 stories high be able to collapse in on themselves so as not to damage, or to minimize damage to surrounding structures.
Nah, he's out of his mind. It was the government with their advanced ninja non-exploding-bomb weapons. Everyone knows it.


The 9/11 anniversary is a tough day for me so without getting into the whole debate I'm going to use lucky's comments as my own (if that's ok with you, lucky . I have to flex my downvote.

To quote and backup gorgonheap's point as well "Code in the united states requires that buildings over 3 stories high be able to collapse in on themselves so as not to damage, or to minimize damage to surrounding structures." but when would conventional wisdom ever be of value?


The only reason conspiracy theories exist is because of a lack of information. So when we don't have all the pieces to a puzzle we simply need to find fault with someone who is so powerful we can feel better about not being able to control it.

i.e: JFK assassination. It's hard to accept that one simple man could take down someone who had been given as much power ans Mr. Kennedy. Not to mention compounded by the cold war at the time and the villianizing of communist sympathizers. It was a perfect setting for a theory to evolve about a disturbed man being a KGB asset.

9/11 however makes even less sense then the JFK assassination conspiracy theory. It's against peoples instincts to think they are so vulnerable, and it's hard for decent people to think that anyone so far away and seemingly insignificant would even think of doing something so depraved and twisted. So some start to think "It had to be someone with more power and notariaty."

And it gives birth to a distorted and clouded theory that has little supporting evidence and a whole lot to do with fear and insecurity. Take your conspiracy and hold it up to the light of reason and inconvenience and you'll find it's just a shell of your own fears and paranoia.


Keep making shit up that you imagine I said Lucky760... typical of your type. Ninjas.. your like a 6 year sometimes I swear.. can't you keep it semi-honest for once?

So, what do you think about the firefighters and that head janitor that went through the north tower.. he's claiming that a bomb went off about several seconds before the plane hit.. and also claims of people being hurt by some of these explosions... at the base levels.. I'm not making this up.. they were there 1st hand ... reports of multiple explosions from the hero firefighters.. they must be crazy loons huh? What the hell is wrong with you ppl? I suppose you can't get out of the denial phase. This was all over CSPAN two days ago.


So the Janitor claimed a bomb when off BEFORE the plane hit? The firemen couldn't because of course they weren't there yet... Or where they? (the plot thickens.)

And it was one firefighter not a couple as you seem to imply patriot. And I find it odd that now, 6 years later, one guy comes forth with how he encountered multiple explosions? Sounds a bit funny to me.

So we have the testimony of a Janitor and a Fireman. And yet every TV camera in New York was rolling and NOT ONE, has audio, much less video, of multiple explosions? Right...


Ok.. since everything has to be explained in detail to you since you didn't see it on CSPAN the other night....

No.. the firefighters were not there when the first bomb went off as the janitor claims... but the janitor was leading the firemen up the tower in the stairwells because every other floor was locked and could only be opened with a master key that the janitor has (yes he still has it). By the time they got to the 34th floor they heard a series of explosions (that's a squadron of firefighters and the janitor)... not just one as you claim. Mr. Rodriguez has come forth with this information and testified before the 9/11 commission.. his testimony and any information about him was left out of the 9/11 commission report (it may be in the 28 page redaction). He has also been giving his testimony via various venues, but it's not widely publicised by the mass media.. however he did appear on Fox and MSNBC with a partial of his testimony, some of which was edited out.

Also, there is footage of explosions on video.. you need to do some more research. It's out there, but I'm about to make dinner and don't have time to look it for you.. do it yourself.

You should also watch the full testimony of Rodriguez that was aired on CSPAN - It's part of the American Perspectives series. If I ever see it released on You Tube, I'll post it.


"So, what do you think about the firefighters and that head janitor that went through the north tower.. he's claiming that a bomb went off about several seconds before the plane hit.. and also claims of people being hurt by some of these explosions... at the base levels.. I'm not making this up.. they were there 1st hand ... reports of multiple explosions from the hero firefighters.. they must be crazy loons huh? What the hell is wrong with you ppl? I suppose you can't get out of the denial phase. This was all over CSPAN two days ago."

I was there too, first hand so don't go disputing the obvious. It's so nice to sit back and think that some guy on youtube has the facts of a conspiracy to demolish a building from a structural engineer standpoint. For this one claim of people saying they heard explosions there are HUNDREDS of others who dispute it first hand. Ya know people who call 9-1-1 reporting that there are gunshots when in fact their neighbor just lit off a firecracker, it's the same damn syndrome. I know people who were there from t minus 1 hour, 99% know what they saw and heard, they decide to stand next to reason as oppossed to claims from some whackjobs without the proper intelligence to analyze an incident that the most elite of our engineers and physicists struggle to determine the magnitude of. Lucky isn't making any shit up, if reason and physics is shit, then your personal attacks stand to clarify your comments at shit as well.

Is it THAT hard to believe that actual physics could come into play and bring down a building exposed to the trauma that WTC 7 did? Noooo it's some secret explosive technology developed in some dark ass lab by engineers who were disgruntled by normal existing technologies and contractors in the field of demolition. And don't start calling me out on the heroism of the firefighters that may have seen or heard these "explosions", I was there and know the agony and display of heroism EVERY single fireman/police officer and EMT went through. In the heat of the moment what a minority of what people think they see and heard can easily be misinterpreted.

Ya know what it probably is, all the people who were there were brainwashed as well by another secret government only technology. That would explain why I, and the hundreds of emergency response workers that were with me want to debunk this conspiracy theory.

Oh yeah and if something I said doesn't make perfect sense, excuse me but it's a difficult day for those who are busy paying respects to the friends and comrades they lost rather than coming up with useless and dumbass theories.


You were inside the tower also?.. where were you in relation to the twin towers when the attack happened?... when did you appear on the scene?.. I know the manhattan area.. I used to live on 89th st.

I'm not claiming that I know for sure what happened. If you all want me to shutup about it here, then fine I will. I'm not exactly making any friends by holding this viewpoint and personally I hope you all are correct and I'm wrong but some things just don't add up and it bothers the hell out of me.

If the government wouldn't be so secretive, suppress full and independant investigations, withhold/alter/destroy evidence then I would have never even considered foulplay, but with all this and hearing testimony of account from firsthand responders like that of Mr. Rodriguez while they refused to use his testimony in the release of the analysis, what the hell is one supposed to think?

Hmmm... claimed testimony of ppl in the bldg that report these things as useless dumbass theories? .. it's like you all are calling the heroes like Rodriguez and those firefighters liars, you realize that don't you?


I guess the simplest points with which I'd like to end with on the matter are:

  1. If there was truly a stand-alone explosion at any point on 9/11 more than a handful of firemen and a janitor would have heard it.

  2. If explosives were used to collapse any of the buildings, it would have taken lots and lots more than a single kaboom (that, again, most no one heard) to knock the two towers down. (See video links above in which < 10 story buildings require a long, loud series of detonations to achieve implosion.) If there was a secret military super-bomb that was used, everyone would have heard it. After all, no matter how technologically advanced a bomb might be the laws of physics dictate that the more powerful it is, the louder it is.

I'll stay tuned on this thread and read through everyone else's long replies a little later, but that's pretty much all I'll say. As we are all aware, debating a conspiracy theory is like debating religion or politics, except with conspiracy theories, it's not a matter of opinion but fact that's being proclaimed as correct. No matter how much evidence is or isn't presented, you/we will likely never change your/our opinion.

Consitutional_Patriot, I'm being sincere and not at all pejorative/facetious as I was earlier, so please answer accordingly: Do you believe that humans ever set foot on the moon, or do you believe the moon landing was also a government conspiracy? I'm just curious.

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