U.S gov bails out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

It's official. Where's the 'free market' now?

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I don't know which republican way you're talking about. It's the FED way. All the republicans that I talked to yesterday and today are pissed!

Remember Kenneth Lay? The CEO's of Freddie and Fannie should be held accountable- Not the American tax payer. I heard one estimate that it will cost tax payers up to $1.6 TRILLION!!!

I'm livid! I didn't default on my loan! Why do I have to pay for somebody else's bad call.

>> ^rougy:
Privatize the profits, socialize the losses.
It's the Republican way.


if you took a took a poll of random people on the street i bet the majority would support it citing, "it helps the economy" and "lowers my mortgage rates".

people don't have opinions, they just regurgitate whatever they hear on the news.

free market, free country. you can't have the latter without the former.


Well sh;t, this is what socialists would've done were they in charge all along! They want to nationalize oil, health care, bring back price controls, you name it. You think they'd be happy for once.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. - H.L. Mencken

Those whining that America ain't free...are free to leave.


It's bull. I would like to point out the liberal media's attitude toward this has been somewhat positive, in my opinion. They have been reporting this like the FED is a knight in shining armor.


Bwahahahaha, "free market".


"The current program, put in place in 1981"

Subsidies etc = a form of socialism, lending a helping hand to those in need. The guy in the video justifies the bail out of FM/FM by pointing out the horrible ramifications, both domestically and abroad... So, your taxpaying dollars are being spent to help not only fellow citizens but foreigners.. X )

The irony is just delightful. More seriously, your level of self delusion and denial is scary at times...


>> ^deedub81:
I'm livid! I didn't default on my loan!

Then why do you keep voting Republican because it is due to them that big companies like Feddie and Fannie (Enron, Worldcom, etc.) were able to get away with this shit.

Because they insisted that there could be no "free market" if the government was regulating them to make sure they didn't make such stupid ass mistakes and/or blatant thefts.


This is why voting republican is like voting to have someone shit down your throat:

"Under the terms of his employment contract, Daniel H. Mudd, the departing head of Fannie Mae, stands to collect $9.3 million in severance pay

Richard F. Syron, the departing chief executive of Freddie Mac, could receive an exit package of at least $14.1 million"

Daniel Mudd has donated over $15,000.00 to the GOP since 2000.
Richard Syron is part of the NRCC, and has donated over $22,000.00 to the GOP in 2008 alone.

So deedub, why the hell are you trying to pin this on the "librul media"? WTH are you on man? The proof is right in front of your face, and you're trying smoke-n-mirrors on us?

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