US Intelligence: Iran stopped nuke development in 2003

A new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) concludes with "high confidence" that in "fall 2003, Tehran halted it's nuclear weapons program".

Bush's response to the NIE

More information at

Hold the phone, Mabel. Don't liberals roar that NO intelligence can be trusted?---e.g. the WORLDWIDE intelligence consensus that Saddam had WMDs, so why the sudden faith in those same intelligence entities? Well, does Halliburton secretly control the world or not?

The same liberals that demand gun control for law-abiding citizens see no problemo in letting a jihadist madman have nukes?

Tehran being scared sh;tless of being wiped off the map is the only way to guarantee compliance with nuke regs. Xerxes is no god, he bleeds.


The only thing I could think of when I read your comment QM is how you want to apply our laws to other country, like your gun control example of if they take our guns we should take their nukes. Now there is no problem with that as long as you're consistant, meaning if we are treating them like we would our own citizens then we should give them the right to fair trial and legal representation right? I mean im just going on your logic


This sudden leak makes me suspect we might have struck some sort of deal with Tehran that the public hasn't heard about yet... That or we're really close to one that will really be a big deal. Otherwise, I'd expect the administration to be a bit more upset by this information being leaked.
hmm. I think I'm gonna reserve my judgment for a month or so, see how it pans out.
It's a pretty serious development diplomatically.


The only thing I could think of when I read your comment QM is how you want to apply our laws to other country,

>>> Uh, no. What "I" want is for America and Friends to survive. That means not letting crazies like Iran have sharp implements or nukes. Even the evil Red Chinese--who also have nukes--have rational men in power...they know if they tried nuking the US they'd be wiped out themselves. Same for Russia. On the other hand, these jihad nutballs don't care if they're killed, they just want to take everyone with them for the glory of Allah. That is unacceptable. No nukes for you, Iran!

You totally didn't get my other tangent, which is the hypocrisy of the left: they can't trust Americans with handguns but feel there's nothing wrong with letting a nutball jihadist have a nuke. Consistency, people!

You're the accidental revisionist, Fade. Saddam had WMD and used them on his own people. Or the Democrats were so stupid when they rushed to vote for the war they didn't fact check either.

Bolsheviks would be proud of the left's constant lies, starting with "Bush stole the election."



You really take John Bolton's views on foreign policy seriously?

There was no deal struck with Iran, the Bush administration has always maintained a policy of not engaging people they deem terrorists in diplomatic relations, the EU has been on the other hand negotiating. Which is the stupid way to project regional influence.

Saddam did not have WMDs at the outset of the invasion of Iraq, that is a fallacious lie spread by pro-war Bushies, no one listened to Hans Blix or Mohamed ElBaradei when both stated that Iraq had no weapons of WMD in 2003, both were dragged through the mud in the media. Look at Iraq war and it's lack of WMDs.

Mohamed ElBaradei again stated that Iran has no active nuclear program a couple of years back, again his name was dragged through the mud. The CIA now states itself that there is no nuclear program in Iran.

US friends to survive? You do realize that every international supporter of the current incursion in Iraq has lost their re-election campaign? UK, Spain, Australia...

The USA should be a chess player not a brute when it comes to power projection and influence.


Anyway, we shouldn't consider any particular intelligence report a holy document not to be criticized. Bolton makes good points. I'm still reserving my judgment until we get more info. I do not trust Ahmedinejad. His apocalyptic talk is just too zealous to be ignored. I'm at least comforted that much of his country allegedly does not support his views on those things.

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