No Drone Zone!
Honestly never thought about this one.
From OutdoorHub:
"Just when you thought the skies were safe, eagles show up to remind you that they are still the top dog. According to the Daily Mail, photographer Patrick Pircher was using a DJI Phantom drone to capture aerial footage over Austria when two eagles appeared and started harrying the craft. As you can see in the video below, one of the eagles appear to have grasped the lightweight drone and causes it to crash to the ground.
It is unknown why the eagles decided to attack the drone. Since they peck at it after it lands, perhaps they thought it was food or were otherwise curious. Pircher was later able to retrieve the drone after tracking it down on GPS."
articianI thought I even saw feathers around 1:05. I do wonder what kind of injuries these are causing to the birds. I know it's not human maliciousness, but it's generally at this exact point that we should recognize it's going to be a problem and address it.
Anyone remember the manatee thing?
grahamslamsays...It appeared to me that the eagle carried it to the ground. You can see the shadow on the ground of the eagle with the drone as it descends to the ground. Maybe I missed it, but I only saw one eagle attack and carry it down.
unlockmobile2000[author flagged as a spammer - redacted]
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