Truth - Democratic VP?

Retired four-star general and former Democratic Presidential candidate Wesley Clark criticizes the course of U.S. foreign policy in the wake of September 11, 2001.

Clark as VP? No, Obama needs a VP who appeals to blue collar workers, which has been shown to be his weak suit. Sure, Clark is from Illinois but Obama already has that covered. Plus, Clark has never held an elected office and his 2004 run for President was kind of lame. I love his brain, though.

Expect a name from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan...or at least, expect a name that resonates with those blue collar workers.


Yes, the U.S. has suffered the consequences of a silent coup, which we may be seeing disassembling somewhat. For us to even know about it is to suggest the coup's relative failure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's failed. We shall see how the Republicans are in this next election and perhaps then, we can see if the country has been reclaimed as a constitutional democratic republic.


i wish i could promote this. i wouldn't be surprised to see him as sec. of defense, but as mentioned above it'll most likely be someone from outside Ill as Obama's runningmate.


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