Trump & Election Results: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

From Youtube,
"A week after Joe Biden’s win in the US presidential election, John Oliver discusses Donald Trump’s various attempts to overturn the results, why his claims don’t hold water, and the consequences of indulging him."
noseeemjokingly says...

The official flower of the President-reject's administration: a pansy.

A yellow pansy.

Never accepted the last election? No. Never believed that the moron was acceptable. They knew he was president, but not a competent president. One can acknowledge a person's placement but not have to believe they deserve it.

If this is otherwise, then Fox News is going to have to be very, very, silent for the next four years. That's happening?

It was Mitch et al that never accepted that DJ was an abomination.

Just like W and the GOP's, "Why do you hate America?" when anyone called them out on their buggery.

Get hemmed in on an issue? Losing the debate? Being embarrassed by a logical penetrating question? Then go to the new standard deflection, "...never accepted the election".

Pansies. Yellow pansies.

So, yeah, the Dems can rightfully lecture DJ and the GOP on recognizing and ACCEPTING Americans' choice of a new president. Moscow Mitch will dutifully be quiet and kind, right?

2016 vs 2020 'Acceptance Rates'

& this is better than Wiggy and his stooges

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