Trudeau on Nationalism

Justin Trudeau on Wikipedia. He is the son of popular Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Nationalism is key to nation building. Every successful nation had to have nationalism as a base to build upon. There are varying degrees of the severity of nationalism, but it's constantly exercised and always will be.

Saying nationalism has nothing to do with progress is a very naive way of thinking.


Here we see a papa's boy who hasn't a clue of what is Québec (yes I come from Québec) and he tinks that the soveraniste movement is dead and tries to bring an end to his father nightmare that his the movement. 40% of all québecois think that a Québec nation/country is the only way to go. 60% of québecois are convinced that it will happen, but some are affraid. Affraid of any disaster of supernatural proportion, an end of the world type of thing, that the trudeau's clan (meaning Trudeau and all liberals - the party) were triing desperatly to drill into the head of the québecois at one point in history.

It is a good thing that he bears no weight in "the rest of Canada". His grand entourage have no weight politicly speaking, has we have seen in the election of Dion at the head of the liberal party last time (he was a suporter of Igniasef - sorry if I messed up the name - Igniasef lost the nomination for leader of the party).

Good thing to, that in Québec he is laught at every time he speaks. Because we would be in an other endless debate of the futur of our culture and people.

PS : one thing that I always say to myself when I see him is that the international comunity as arranged a little thing called "the right to every nation to determine their futur by way of democratic election and are intittled to their own part of the world" (ok, I have change the words but the message is there) ie: if we decide one day to go are seperate way from Canada we will have the support of alot of other nation in the world like what happen to Kosovo. And nothing he says can change that.


Quebec is funny in that its desperate to break away from the rest of Canada but still keep the very favorable federal and economic subsidizes it already receives.


>> ^Farhad2000:
Quebec is funny in that its desperate to break away from the rest of Canada but still keep the very favorable federal and economic subsidizes it already receives.

If you knew anything about Quebec vs Federal (i.e. Canadian government) politics, you'd know there was a discrepancy in equalization payments anyway (proven by over 9000 federal commissions). Also, if Quebec were a country, multinationals couldn't try to ignore us anymore by moving their Canadian HQ to Toronto like they've been doing since 1995 (the last Quebec referendum on independence-sovereignty-association-whatchamacallit). BTW, what we wanted was an economic association, of the European Union type, not your misplaced pittance.

If we're so much of a basket case, economically speaking, why don't they let us go?


Fedquip: You bastard, my eyes!

Ben Mulroney is an effete, superficial waste of space and an embarrassment to all thinking Canadians. His father is the worst Prime-Minister in Canadian history and a criminal. Branch didn't fall far.


To these day secession is no more then a fight over state power between different faction of the bourgeoisie. Since the quiet revolution, part of the french population had grown wealthy giving rise to a wider and strengten bourgeois class impeding on the project of a social-democratic Quebec nation. As a consequence sovereignty is loosing more and more popular support. So is their opponents, where's Trudeau just look like he wanted to resuscitate nationalist from the dead to regain center of the political attention. What 'll remain to Justin ? maybe just to follow Ben path...


"Quebec is funny in that its desperate to break away from the rest of Canada but still keep the very favorable federal and economic subsidizes it already receives."

What should have been written is :
Quebec is funny in that its desperate to break away from the rest of Canada but still whant to keep the money it gives to Ottawa in what should have been a temporary taxe that was suppose to last until the end of WWII. and does not whant to give away his power to spend his money in a more social-democrate society !

BTW : dont whant to contredict you but the "moving their Canadian HQ to Toronto" has started in the Bourassa era infortunatly (that was my last paper in economic study at university) and is today attributed to the secession movement by the federalist

VIVE LE QUÉBEC LIBRE ... sorry had to !!!

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