Treason! Tea Party Conference Discusses Secession

From YT: Community organizer and political satirist Sally Kohn snuck into the Tri-State Liberty Summit, a conference for NY, NJ and CT Tea Party activists, hosted in ritzy Stamford, CT, on May 23, 2010.


Well I learned that if someone around me asks what the odds of a state seceding are, I am legally required to say, "that's a bad idea." Otherwise it's treason.

Also it turns out that a civil war is declared and fought by discussing withholding taxes.

The more you know.


I support secession. It's not treasonous. I believe the Federal Government is in breach of contract and has been for a long, long time, so I welcome and wholeheartedly support this dingdong lady's version of "civil war".


I think the evidence in this video is weak.

That said, I do get the sentiment that many of these people are fair-weather democrats (little 'd'). They were all right with democratic processes, as long as they were in the majority. Democracy seems to be worthless to them, if they somehow have to live as a minority group.


I think us liberals are all still feeling a bit pissed about being called traitors for (take your pick): saying the Iraq war was a bad idea, saying there were no WMD's in Iraq, saying that we shouldn't torture people, saying we shouldn't wiretap American citizens without warrants, saying the PATRIOT act is unconstitutional, saying that we should give terror suspects trials, saying that our soldiers have killed civilians, saying that Iraqis have died in much larger numbers than US citizens, talking about timetables for withdrawal from Iraq, talking about getting better body armor for troops, saying that Muslims for the most part are civil and even friendly people, mentioning the ever increasing cost of the war, pointing out the ineptitude, corruption, and violently criminal acts of our "independent contractors", questioning the President's motives for starting the Iraq war, and on, and on, and on.

I think when people literally start talking about secession (in a time of war! ), it's fair to toss back accusations of treason, especially when it's done in a fairly tongue-in-cheek fashion.

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