A stunning timeshift clip from Vimeo!
Vimeo/Tom Lowe @ Timescapes plus:This is production footage I shot over the summer for my debut film, "TimeScapes," a modern portrait of the American Southwest. I used Canon and Red MX cameras.
Follow the production of the film at: twitter.com/timescapes
Also here: timescapes.org and here timescapes.org/blog
A huge thank you to my assistants/Associate Producers who helped me film this, Dustin Kukuk (twitter.com/drkanab), Nilo Recalde (twitter.com/nilomr) and Chris M (twitter.com/visceralway). And, as always, my most sincere and humble respect goes to Ron Fricke, Mark Magidson, Terrence Malick and Godfrey Reggio.
Thank you to my sponsors: Canon USA, Kessler Crane, camBLOCK, Vinten & KATA.
Music is by the film's composer Nigel "John" Stanford: johnstanfordmusic.com Make sure to turn the volume and bass way up!
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