Post has been Discarded

Time Displacement Experiment (2:16)

Forgive me if this has been submitted before, I couldn't find it on the site.

i knew a girl who could do that, although I suspect she wasn't "really" a girl. Pretty neat. Any other info you can supply about this vid ? As in how they did it ? what software package, etc..


Since the old video was deaded pre-3.0, its status is discarded. According to management, it's supposed to stay that way. Technically, a goldstar could save the older vid and immediately dead it, but even then it couldn't be fixed unless you had yet another copy of the clip (the system won't let you fix a dead with the same embed as a currently published post, regardless of dates).

[edit] Oddly enough, the old vid is not dead, but just had the mature button on it, which VS seems to be able to get around now. hmmm, I think the policy I mentioned still applies, but I'm not sure. If a goldstar saves the older post at some point, this one immediately becomes a dupe. Let's get some more opinions. *blog


lol, so, to sum this up.

The original video has been +deaded, but it wasn't really dead.
It got discarded, but it shouldn't have been.
And this one comes up.


My opinion is that either the original video has been dead for a while and then resurrected, so the discard is correct, OR that it has never been dead. But in this case, it would mean that the original poster didn't even bother to check if the +dead was correct! So, discard is ok anyway.

That's my opinion, wait for others before +returning it.


This is another unfortunate example of incorrect exercise of star powers.

It seems Hex should not have invoked *dead because he noted at the time that "YouTube is having some problems" with it. If he was aware there was just some problems being had and not that the video was "no longer available," he should not have invoked.

If the original was validly called dead, this would be a black & white issue and this new post would stay and the old would stay discarded.

IMO, the incorrectly discarded original should be returned to published status and this one should be discarded as a dupe. (Sorry finch451, but very good effort.)

LD: Do you concur, doctor?


Notice that it's not SURE that happened this way.

AFAIK youtube video can be set as "private", i.e. not embeddable, so they are like dead.
But, if they can be both set and un-set private, it is possible (but I guess we have no way of knowing it) that it has been made private, and made public again later.

Just guessing.


Yeah I was agreeing with looris because people are just guessing and a discard is a discard. But after thinking about it some more I have to change my opinion for the reason that this one is not yet published. Don't suppose we could develop some sort of rule set to follow to help with grey areas.


I guess that's the problem with the grey area: It is infinite in size and there are any number of things someone could do to screw things up.

But, for this specific plot in the vast grey area (that should never occur except by incorrect *dead invocation), here's a rule of thumb I think we can all agree to:

If a video was flagged dead then was discarded, but it is not actually dead, it must be reinstated by an admin. If the same video was posted subsequently, it must be discarded as a duplicate.
Does everyone find this acceptable?


Sounds like a reasonable policy.

It's worth noting, though, that Hex acted in good faith, i.e., the video was inaccessible from the VS site. The question is, even if the video is still there on the host but not viewable here for whatever reason, does that mean it's dead or not?

Also, is it definitely the case that VS can now get around the host age verification pages?


From time to time I experience what was probably vexing Hex. I try to play a video and it just hangs and hangs and hangs sitting at "Loading" even though other YT vids work fine.

A video is only dead if it is really dead. E.g., a message like "This video is no longer available" or "Embedding disabled" etc.

I will re-publish the original post and this one may be discarded at will.

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