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They don't understand, So we'll take their car and crush it.

"United States Army Tankers, Hooah!"

This is from relatively early after Baghdad fell, IIRC. The guys were caught stealing wood.

For the future, the pentagon really needs to think outside the box on which kinds of policies win hearts and minds, and which kinds don't.


Later the gentleman told the soldiers, "I live in a country, not unlike yours, where I have absolutely no fucking say in the actions taken by my leaders, and suffer from it as you do, here manifest in an arm of her military taking some twisted pleasure in their uncomfortable justification. In my country, instead of a power-hungry elite from a nation who has undergone enlightenment and restoration, I must suffer power-hungry 8th century throwbacks, who don't understand that their religion, and their instilled hatred for another religion, is what keeps them basically, spiritually fucked. ...or they do, and they use it as a weapon against the other country's leaders, and their own desire for control."

The bleeding heart reporter, with the grave and somber tone, employed by the same assholes who engineered this war, then went to his hotel room and gave himself a brandy enema, and drowned in a pool of his own vomit....

War bad, human rights good.......fer fuckssake man, beat that drum ya ineffectual do-gooders-


First of all. This is a dupe.

Second of all. The US Army was not created as a policing force. The Administration had no plan for policing the population in the face of government collapse. The CPA initiative of dissolving the Iraqi Army and Police force meant policing fell squarely on the shoulder of the US Armed forces.

Invariably leading to situations like this.

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