The Witcher Enhanced Edition - Promo Trailer/Interviews

Gamers are pleased to see last year's Polish RPG, the Witcher, getting some generous love and attention - it's being re-released in an enhanced edition with many fixes to technical bugs, and perhaps most importantly, corrections to the dialogue, which was a bit whacked in the original release. This trailer says the Enhanced Edition hits stores May 2008.

The nice thing is that original registered owners get the enhancements for free.

In addition to the fixes, there are two mods included with the new D'jinni Mod Editor. One of these mods was developed by Canadians (hence the channel).

I'm most amused by the use of screen edits/splits in this little video. If you want to argue that it's possible to turn a bunch of game developers taking about their product in a trailer into art, this is how you do it.


Eastern European companies make some of the best new innovative games these days, unfortunately they are contracted to Western publishing houses that force unrealistic publish timeframes.

The Witcher was horribly broken, not because of something overly technical but because the story suffered at the hands of incomplete translation and polish which made me wonder what the fuck I was doing half the goddamn time.

The other guilty party is Armed Assault, a game based and developed by the same people that made Operation Flashpoint. Graphically it was a wank really but Jesus Christ it was broken from AI, to gameplay, to having opponents have the uncanning ability to track you down like wolves. But okay, fair enough OP was the same when it came out, so lets wait for the bazillion patches... oh no! there won't be any! They are already working on Armed Assault 2!

That really pissed me off.



Does this mean that those who have already bought the game will have to do so again to get it fixed, or are they releasing a patch or something aswell to mend the shortcomings of the 2007 version?


What Spinback said. Thanks for the link to the sale. Tempting. I think I'll wait for the final patched version to come out though.

@Farhad's rant - agreed. I'm sorely tempted to just get the Polish version.

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