The Thing's Defibrillator Chest Chomp - Art of the Scene

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The defining characteristic of “The Thing” was that the Thing WASN’T defined - it could take on the form of any living thing - quite a demanding creature for a makeup and effects team! Especially with that difibrulator chest chomp scene. We’ll take a look at how the Thing was brought to the screen, from the adaptation of the short story by John W. Campbell, to the makeup effects team with an impressive pedigree. We’ll take a moment to appreciate the art created with foam, latex, and re-purposed creamed corn and strawberry jam (with an assist by some really talented puppeteers and cameramen).

That should happen every time a show or movie uses defibrillators, then maybe they won't be incorrectly thought of as magic bring-people-back-to-life machines.

Good movie though, I only first saw it a year or three back and it's still creepy.

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