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The State Is Not Great: How Government Poisons Everything

Guy is a little annoying and long winded, but the message is spot on.

what a pinhead, I'm frankly sick of this business is suffering though too much regulation & taxes propaganda pieces. They would like everyone to believe the multinational corporations are the hard done by 'David's' of the economic world, rather than the colossal 'Goliath' they truly are, and all the while getting the very people who are pawns in the system to support the en-slavers as the enslaved.


The more I see of libertarians, the more I think this ideology was/is somehow heavily promoted by corporations to create a politic group that promotes these policies in the current system. The system then changes to make life easier and therefore more profitable for corporations. Although this is just an educated guess, it seems more realistic than libertarian ideology can ever be.

On an unrelated note to the propagandistic *lies of this video (lies, because presented as fact instead of as assumptions), the guy looks like he is going to cry aaaany second now.


Minutes 14.30-15.45 are pure unsubstantiated ideological comedy. I still can't fathom how anyone can believe this. At least communism had at first the vast majority of the working class majority behind it, but promoting the same thing from the top down is just inconceivably idiotic. Good thing the top has lots of money to promote this. (Cf. Koch brothers and the tea party, which is not libertarianism per se, but liberal in the sense of libertarian.)

Edit: Minutes 17+18 got this vid a downvote.


>> ^truth-is-the-nemesis:

what a pinhead, I'm frankly sick of this business is suffering though too much regulation & taxes propaganda pieces. They would like everyone to believe the multinational corporations are the hard done by 'David's' of the economic world, rather than the colossal 'Goliath' they truly are, and all the while getting the very people who are pawns in the system to support the en-slavers as the enslaved.

I'm confused by your post. Taxes and regulation help big business and only serve to stifle competition from small business. In fact, most tax laws and regulations are there because big business put them there. Who do you think employs all those lobbyists living in DC? Big business is always getting special credits and exemptions while the small entrepreneur is getting fucked.

Big business is immune to taxes and regulation. There's always tax shelters, rebates, bailouts, and other corporate welfare. A business too big to fail means other ones too small to succeed.

Taxes and regulation help the Goliaths stay Goliaths. And if it wasn't for the government interfering in the first place, there would've never been any Goliaths.


@ Marbles

If it were the case that as you claim that 'taxes & regulations are there to help the goals of big business' and thus hurt the small business owner's, then this clearly goes against the libertarian ideology of 'people power' as the philosophy goes 'produce needed goods or services and the market will decide who succeeds & who fails'.

Maybe all the small business owner's looking to start a business should look to other places such as Canada or elsewhere in the world to set up their first business that are not as restrained by government regulations as you claim there is too much to make it ultimately successful & then return as a larger world player, & then help change the regulations for other entrepreneurs with your own lobbying power.

the libertarian viewpoint seems to be that without any regulations the world to be a perfect place, & the small business man would have equal chance against the world players such as Wal-mart, McDonald's, Cola-Cola Etc. when in reality it would be far worse, not just for other businesses but for the safety concerns of the entire country such as the salmonella scares a few years back with spinach & tomatoes, lead in toys for made from China & here is a list of 100 items recalled by the FDA from April to June 2011 due to the risk of danger proposed to the public
before you endanger everyone else around you consider for a moment the efforts of organisations such as this and many others who in a very real way 'guard you while you sleep', and if the big business goliath's really could govern themselves effectively as many claim, then there would be no need for them.

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