The Rise of Conservative Media

"Media Matters for America released a new video demonstrating how the conservative echo chamber operates in the age of President Obama."[Media Matters]

I'm sure most don't know...and more, the shills don't -care-, as long as they get their paycheck. And the fools will gladly follow along as long as they're being told that they're special and right.


What a completely worthless video. We *know* how the Right Wing Echo Chamber works. It has been completely overt for at least eight years now. We hate it, we hate its effects, we hate its results. We don't know how to stop it. This video just pushes our buttons, and our anger gets us nowhere. Unless you show us (or at least tell us) how we can somehow lead a charge against the Echo Chamber, it's hardly worth watching.



>> ^davidraine:
We don't know how to stop it. This video just pushes our buttons, and our anger gets us nowhere. Unless you show us (or at least tell us) how we can somehow lead a charge against the Echo Chamber, it's hardly worth watching.

All you have to do to lead that charge is come up with enough hundreds of millions of dollars to buy your own politicians and judges. If you can buy enough of them, you can probably get some of these foreign-owned propaganda machines shut down...or at least clearly labeled as such.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who can manage to raise that kind of money tend strongly to be exactly the type of sociopaths that own and run those operations.


>> ^Stormsinger:
Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who can manage to raise that kind of money tend strongly to be exactly the type of sociopaths that own and run those operations.

Yeah, that's kind of the problem. Those in power are there because they spend that power on keeping the rest of society out of power. That's how they stay on top, after all. Since I can't materialize wealth out of the ether and am not willing to be immoral / unethical to raise large sums of money, I need another way to "fight the machine" as it were.


^ My whole life (well, since Watergate), I've been watching and hoping for an answer...some way, -any- way to push some meaningful reform into the cesspool of our political system. The only thing I've been able to come up with is waiting for the inevitable collapse/revolution, and then try to survive in order to pick up the pieces. IOW, try to outlive the bastards. Sadly, I don't really think that's going to be an effective answer.


>> ^davidraine:
What a completely worthless video. We know how the Right Wing Echo Chamber works. It has been completely overt for at least eight years now. We hate it, we hate its effects, we hate its results. We don't know how to stop it. This video just pushes our buttons, and our anger gets us nowhere. Unless you show us (or at least tell us) how we can somehow lead a charge against the Echo Chamber, it's hardly worth watching.

Downvote because the video contains information you already knew?

Following this logic, if someone uploads a music video I've already seen, I should downvote it? I didn't really know that was the way it works around here.


>> ^Stormsinger:
^ My whole life (well, since Watergate), I've been watching and hoping for an answer...some way, -any- way to push some meaningful reform into the cesspool of our political system. The only thing I've been able to come up with is waiting for the inevitable collapse/revolution, and then try to survive in order to pick up the pieces. IOW, try to outlive the bastards. Sadly, I don't really think that's going to be an effective answer.

The pieces would be picked up to rebuild the same structure, just with new leaders in place. Power, greed, and corruption are inevitable facets of the human character. The change needs to happen in humanity as a whole, on a base level, intrinsically.


>> ^volumptuous:
Downvote because the video contains information you already knew?
Following this logic, if someone uploads a music video I've already seen, I should downvote it? I didn't really know that was the way it works around here.

It's information anyone who's been paying attention has known for years, because it's already in our face all the time. You're right though, that isn't enough to warrant a downvote. However, when you add in energizing music and repeat ad nauseum to anger and hopefully inspire your audience to action, you'd better have something in there that suggests how to focus that energy and give you something to do with that anger. Otherwise you're really just trying to get under my skin, which gets a big downvote from me. Advocacy fail; I expect better from Media Matters.


>> ^davidraine:
What a completely worthless video. We know how the Right Wing Echo Chamber works. It has been completely overt for at least eight years now. We hate it, we hate its effects, we hate its results. We don't know how to stop it.

Actually we do. We make sure everyone actually understands how these sorts of things are done to manipulate them. For example, people should be at least a little queasy about how manipulative this video is itself. I agree with its intent, but the music was a bit much.

Beyond the tactics that they employ, people also need to understand their goals -- they're not looking to make your life better, they're trying to take power away from the people, and concentrate it into the hands of a very few, wealthy people.

That's why ACORN and SEIU are targets -- they're both institutions dedicated to empowering the poor and working class, both in terms of money, and political influence. That's a scary thing to our corporate overlords, and they'll tell any lie to convince people that community organizers and unions are somehow scary, evil things.

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