Medium quality version: (YouTube) A short film (approximately ten minutes in length) centered around Boruta - an archaic creature who guards treasures deep within the catacombs of Poland - as he is confronted by unwelcome visitors during the German occupation of Poland amidst World War II. "The Legend of Boruta" is an animated grad-film project by Bartek Nowakowski, completed in April 2007 at the Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (Vancouver, BC). The concept of the film is derived from an old Polish legend that originates from the small town of Leczyca, Poland. The
town - consequently, also Bartek's home town - though small, is saturated with old churches, cathedrals, art,
architecture, stories and legends, all of which have inspired him to create his first film, The Legend of Boruta. .
siftbotsays...Moving this video to Eklek's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 3 days.
siftbotsays...Sending this video to Beggar's Corner to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter Eklek.
jonnysays...very nice - I just wish it was 10 times longer.
There is a richness there aching to be developed.
8464says...Gonna' have to agree with jonny on this. I could watch this for hours. I just hope this garners some attention for Mr. Nowakowski and allows him to make more stuff like this.
antsays...Man, no higher quality?
Ekleksays...Medium quality version of this short:
antsays...>> ^Eklek:
Medium quality version of this short:
Thanks. Only 480x360? Heh. I thought it would be HD.
therealblankmansays...Heh, was just down at Emily Carr yesterday looking at this year's grad projects. Great school, and the students produce some beautiful work.
*canada, 'eh?
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Canada) - requested by therealblankman.
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