The Game of Life implemented in Little Big Planet

The cellular automaton system Conway's Game of Life built painstakingly inside an LBP environment. Turn on video annotations for explanation.

It looks like someone just held a camera up to their computer screen. No narration, muffled sound and illegible text. I have no idea what they were even trying to accomplish.



>> ^garmachi:
It looks like someone just held a camera up to their computer screen. No narration, muffled sound and illegible text. I have no idea what they were even trying to accomplish.

I should have mentioned that it's a good idea to turn on annotations on this one. Then it's possible to read the dialogue boxes. I have modified the video description. The video doesn't belong in terrible just because the video quality is bad. The terrible channel is for videos with terrible things happening in them.

*nochannel *videogames *geek *engineering

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