Teens Bullying 10 year old Boy on School Bus

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Teens Bullying 10 year old Boy on School Bus, Cequan Haskins Bus Bullying: 10-Year-Old Virginia Boy Screams Out In Newly Released Footage Chilling video of 10-year-old Cequan Haskins being viciously bullied on a school bus in May 2011 was released publicly on Friday by the boy's mother at a press conference in Appomattox County, Va., WSET-TV reports.The station reports that video of physical and verbal abuse goes on for forty minutes and includes racial and sexual slurs, as well as Cequan screaming as two 15-year-old boys allegedly hold a hot cigarette lighter to his skin.In the video, bus driver Nancy Davis can be heard seemingly encouraging the abuse, though she was aquitted of all child abuse charges a few months ago."Ugh, anything to get him quiet! I've got to drive this bus," Davis is heard saying in the video.WSET-TV reports both teens involved in the video were found guilty of disorderly conduct, assault, and battery."I wanted parents to be aware, that when I speak out, I'm speaking out for all kids. But unfortunately, this did happen to my child, and I want parents to be aware of what's going on in the school system," Roxanne Haskins, the boy's mother, told the station.School buses have been the backdrop for other highly publicized bullying incidents lately. Back in May, upsetting footage surfaced of children ...

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