Tea Party turns on Speaker for denouncing Palin for Pres

Speaker get's booed off stage at Tea Party for speaking against the Republican Party and Sarah Palin.....

Very interesting what outrages this audience.

That guy can advocate armed insurrection and murder to achieve his ends, but if he doesn't like Sarah Palin, he's an "infil-traitor".



He used one them french words. HES A SOCIALIST!!!!

I used to be an "infil-traitor" myself back in the bush years. It was the most fun i'd ever had. I've been thinking about doing it again and i think the paranoia witnessed in this video is more than enough reason to

You know, this is actually kind of scary... the kid, as much of an asshole as he is, is probably more rational and moderate than most of that tea party crowd. That mob ate him alive. And this is what? Delaware? Not even the south! If they push the moderates far enough out, you just have an irrational mob. A well armed irrational mob...

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