Tacoma Protest (March 10/07)

Interesting news story you probably won't see on any major news outlets. It's probably scenes like this that have helped contribute to many people avoiding protests these days. The video below is the local news coverage of the protest. But by lurking youtube you can find some first hand footage of the event.

Here is the first clip: Apparently rubber bullets aren't enough to control crowds, why not toss a few rounds of tear gas to make sure everybody in the area is effected.

Here is second clip: The crowd shows solidarity even after being sprayed with rubber bullets and begin singing some John Lennon. The police will have none of it, no peace tonight.

Democracy now, did cover the story.

And John Lennon - Here is the Music video to Give peace a chance And here is a segment from the documentary "US vs John Lennon" about that song in the 60's

Choggie, they're frustrated. They're sitting at home frustrated, then get wind of a protest and decide that at the very least they can do that. These aren't MalcomX types, they lack the initiative and the time to launch a truly effective campaign because they are humble, not rich and connected, and have been trained since birth to be good little non-complaining worker bees.

Still this one little chance to rebel is all they think they can spare, so they do it. It may seem pathetic, but it's probably more than you or I have done.

We have this great democracy held hostage by an administration that ignores the fact that the majority think they are wrong. An administration that can override even The Peoples Branch, a branch that we're told is supposed to be the strongest branch of our government. An administration that has made laws where they can jail us with a mere suspicion and hold us indefinitely without trail by the power of a simple label.

It makes us feel weak and yet some of us still rebel. This war is, by any measure, far more protested that the Vietnam war and yet the news reports that far far less. We as an American people are against it, the whole world is against it, and yet they carry on. Of the people, by the people and for the people is a punch line.

Where's the money in that?


These protest videos are never to be trusted. As a wing of leftist interests, the American drive-by media ignores truth around the clock. The cameras never quite seem to roll until the first hippie gets dropped, do they?

The fragile self-esteem of a generation of spoiled ignorami spawned by the Worstest Generation depends on repeating history by sabotaging the Iraqi war effort like their treasonous breeders sabotaged Vietnam. But unlike Oriental communists, sandthugs aren't content to stay put and murder their own, but migrate to other lands and kill for the sake of mullah-fabricated hogwash.

Can't believe this must be explained, but here we go again: islamofascists aren't going to stop killing around the world because the US pulls out of Iraq, if anything the opposite will occur.

islamofascists aren't going away except by death; therefore I prefer it be their deaths, not ours.


They could sure use QM in Iraq you know, pointing out the islamofacists as he so calls them. But no, he is content to send young men and women to die in a war the majority of the population did not support.


That second clip is beyond belief. You have people sitting on the ground SINGING, and the police respond the only way they can to such aggression, with tear gas.

What really pisses me off is the way the protesters do nothing in response. Cops are people too, they don't have any special exemptions from decency, and what that means is when they attack you for no reason you have the right to fight back. What they should have done is formed up, found some weapons and stormed the line. Pound their piggy fucking faces into the pavement. Or at least made the effort.

And what pisses me off even more is no-one will agree with that.


-take a tack at a cop that made you hurt, and receive death by beating from an instant ten more.....futile to resist that mob, and futile to protest, the other.....Washington is full of well-meaning, askewed thirty and unders, who think they know the beast, but can only blame the many heads of the hydra-
you don't put a band-aid, on a punctured femoral artery...


They could sure use QM in Iraq you know, pointing out the islamofacists as he so calls them. But no, he is content to send young men and women to die in a war the majority of the population did not support.

I wonder what the real motives are for being against the war? It can't be the loss of life since 13,470 Americans died in drunk-driving accidents in 2006. Where's the protest monkeys for them?

Without American public opinion on its side, the war in Iraq would fail quickly. "Your" bold new socialist Congress STILL couldn't get anything done (thank the gods) and not a single socialist Presidential candidate except Kook-cinich claimed immediate withdrawal would be a priority. So the delusional sphere of alternate Zinn-esque history that "The People" want out of Iraq must remain basketball-sized around your head.

The elitist lefty world-view never trusts "The People" they proclaim to love so much. The Founders knew the people were smarter than any tyrant and set out to LIMIT government power. Now the socialists want government to run everything in the name of "the common good". See the disconnect?

It's the Red Chinese who are the real enemies of the entire globe; not enough difference between them and the platform of leftist Democrats to place them in separate categories. One already funds the other.

I'll be calling the left on its BS until they pull the plug. So for now, pay for three more baseballs and keep trying to knock the bottles down.


How do you even related drunk driving accidents to a war that costs the US foreign standing, military readiness, money and lives?

Yes the Founding fathers limited the influence of government, yet this doesn't apply to the current government who have appointed the US president as the ultimate power in deciding the application of law, wire tapping, spying, elimination of heabus corpus, increasing government spending without thought on economic costs.

Not to mention lying to the people about the threat of Iraq in the first place by using the threat of nonexistent WMDs.


"I wonder what the real motives are for being against the war? It can't be the loss of life since 13,470 Americans died in drunk-driving accidents in 2006. Where's the protest monkeys for them?"

Every once in a great while, I like to see comments like this. It serves as a reminder of how utterly morally bankrupt modern conservatism is.

The party of Lincoln has has become the party of Nixon, folks. May it go the way of the Whigs.

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