TYT Arizona bans Islamic Law... and Karma (seriously)

Among a flood of states banning Islamic Sharia Law, to appear not to be discriminating against a particular religion, Arizona banned Sharia Law, Canon (Christian) Law, Halacha (Jewish Law), and Karma. Not kidding.

UM. THere is NO WAY SHARIA LAW CAN TAKE EFFECT IN A COUNTRY THAT ALREADY HAS RULE OF LAW! It can't, if you think it can, you need to submit yourself for psychiatric assistance. THe UK is NOT a muslim country and isn't a theocracy. If anything, we added to sharia law in the mid-east by kicking Saddam out! He was SECULAR and not Islamic fundamentalist. In fact, Al Qaida was a banned group in Iraq, until of course we allow Saddam to be killed (like Al Qaeda had planned to do anyway). Not that Saddam was a great guy, but lord knows, the US prefers dictatorships to democratic elections (even at home). If you people are actually thinking Muslims are gonna take over, please, PLEASE read a book without Glenn Beck on the cover!

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